Page 103 - AA 2018_11
P. 103


            Cessna 172S VH-YJK
          msn 172S-12048 arrived at Nelson                                                            Edelweiss A340-300 HB-JMG visited
          on September 16 from Norfolk                                                                  Sydney in mid-September while
          Island, Kerikeri and Ardmore. On                                                               operating an around-the-world
          September 24 it was registered                                                                   charter flight. luke mcdermott
          ZK-NAS to Nelson Aviation
            DA-42NG HS-MAR, which
          arrived at Carnarvon from
          Denpasar and Broome on
          September 9 (Traffic/October),
          has completed an anti-clockwise
          circuit of Australia, being
          noted at Rottnest, Esperance,
          Ceduna, Mildura, Bankstown,   at Albury on September 12   of maintenance problems with its   from Honolulu on September
          Coffs Harbour and Cairns     from Denpasar, Broome, Alice   787-8 fleet.              23 and departed to Hickam as
          before arriving at Darwin on   Springs and Broken Hill. Earlier   Volga Dnepr An-124   GTI 9836 on September 24.
          September 19. It departed Darwin   on September 3 the PA-46 was   RA-82046 as VDA3194 arrived   Omni Air 767-224ER N207AX
          for Kupang on September 21.  noted ferrying from Goose Bay   at Rockhampton from Paya   as OAE370 arrived in Darwin from
            Hughes 369Es VH-HVO and    to Narsarsuaq. The Piper was   Lebar on September 13 before   Kadena on September 27 before
          VH-SUV, which are both operated   cancelled from the US register   continuing to Cairns as VDA3195   returning to Kadena on October 1.
          by Aeropower, were noted at   on September 13 as exported to   on September 14. The Antonov   Sultan of Johor 737-8FZ/BBJ2
          Mechanics Bay, Auckland on   Australia and on September 28   departed Cairns for Labuan on   9M-III arrived in Perth from
          September 30 after being shipped   it was registered VH-ORU to   September 26.        Johor Bahru on September 26
          across the Tasman. They were later   Aerotech Aircraft Holdings of Kent   Ukraine Air Alliance An-12BP   before returning to Johor Bahru on
          ferried south to Christchurch.  Town, South Australia.   UR-CGV as flight UKL5032     September 29.
            Oceania Aviation P-750XL     PA-31-350 VH-OMN ferried   arrived in Perth from Padang on   Geostar 737-7CG/BBJ P4-SJM
          ZK-KNM msn 194 arrived at the   from Norfolk Island to Kerikeri on   September 10 before returning   arrived in Melbourne from
          Gold Coast from Hamilton on   August 30.                 to Padang as UKL5033 on      Shenzhen on October 1.
          September 19. After overnighting   PA-24-250 ZK-BAZ      September 11.                  US Air Force 737-7CP/C-40C
          it continued to Ratmalana where   departed Ardmore for Kerikeri   National Cargo 747-428BCF   50730 callsign ‘Spar 17’ arrived
          it arrived on September 23 via   on September 17 and after   N919CA as flight NCR440 arrived   in Cairns from Paya Lebar on
          Alice Springs, Port Hedland and   overnighting continued to the   in Katherine from Honolulu   September 10.
          Cocos Island. The P-750XL was   Gold Coast. It departed the Gold   and Darwin on September 11,   Royal Canadian Air Force
          later noted at Larnaca, Cyprus on   Coast for Dubbo on September 20   departing as NCR441 later the   CC-130J-30 130606 as CFC2523
          September 26.                before continuing to Whyalla and   same day for Darwin and Iwakuni.  arrived at Richmond from Nadi on
            Pilatus PC-21s HB-HWU      Coober Pedy.                  Polar Air Cargo 747-87U/F   September 23 before returning to
          callsign ‘PCH54C’ and HB-HWV                             N858GT as flight PAC246 arrived   Nadi on September 24.
          callsign ‘PCH55N’ arrived at RAAF   HEAVY METAL          in Melbourne from Honolulu     Coulson C-130Q N130CG Zeus,
          Base East Sale on September 24   Edelweiss Air A340-313 HB-JMG   and Sydney on September 23 and   which carries NSW Rural Fire
          after ferrying in from Stans,   as flight EDW2018 arrived in   departed as PAC247 to Incheon on   Service titles, arrived at Richmond
          Switzerland via Kupang, Darwin,   Sydney from Narita and Nadi on   September 24.      from Pago Pago and Norfolk
          Alice Springs and Adelaide. The   September 16 and departed to   Omni Air 767-3Q8 N477AX as   Island on September 23.
          two aircraft have since been   Singapore on September 19.  OAE324 arrived in Darwin from   Western Global MD-11F
          allocated RAAF serial numbers   Hi Fly A340-313 9H-SUN was   Honolulu on September 12 before   N546JN as flight WGN8525
          A54-021 and A54-022.         wet leased to Royal Brunei from   continuing to Katherine. Later the   arrived in Darwin from
            PA-46-500TP N950U          September 16 to early November   same day it departed Katherine for   Honolulu on September 23.
          msn 4697130, which was       to operate flight RBA53/54   Darwin and Iwakuni.         On September 24 it operated a
          registered to Cutter Southwest   from Bandar Seri Begawan to   Atlas Air 767-324ER N645GT   return flight to Katherine before
          Aircraft Sales of Phoenix, arrived   Melbourne and return as a result   as GTI9835 arrived in Darwin   departing Darwin for Iwakuni on
                                                                                                September 25.
                                                                                                  RAAF AP-3C A9-656 callsign
                                                                       Ex RAAF AP-3C Orion A9-656 wearing US   ‘Striker 01’ arrived at Avalon from
                                                                     registration N656T at Avalon. dave soderstrom
                                                                                                RAAF Edinburgh on September 10.
                                                                                                The Orion was later noted to be
                                                                                                carrying the US civil registration
                                                                                                N656T, which on September 28 was
                                                                                                reserved by MHD Rockland Services
                                                                                                of Starke, Florida.
                                                                                                  Erickson Sikorsky S-64E
                                                                                                N176AC/748 Lucille has been
                                                                                                imported for the 2018/19 bushfire
                                                                                                season. After being sea-freighted to
                                                                                                Victoria it ferried into Essendon on
                                                                                                September 30 before departing the
                                                                                                following day to Wagga Wagga and
                                                                                                Bankstown where it will be based.
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