Page 113 - AA 2018_11
P. 113
FIRE & AG Ready to respond
Are we facing the firefighting season from hell?
erial application is now a valued of a wind change – almost regardless of Add to these frontline activities a
tool in the firefighting arsenal the terrain that would impede ground- range of supporting services including
APPLICATION of every state and territory, based firefighters. spotting, line-scan, FLIR, photography,
AUSTRALIA LTD. A but the coming season is likely Protection of life and assets is personnel movement around the fire
to present new challenges to pilots, another role for aircraft when fires ground and drones and it becomes
operators and agencies. are at their most dangerous. Many clear how aviation is playing an
Outlooks and forecasts are sobering. houses have been saved across the important role as part of the bushfire
Fuel loads in many areas are at levels country because of the timely arrival toolbox.
not seen since the disastrous seasons of of aircraft. This in no way detracts from the
2002/03 and the fuel is extremely dry A further advantage of aircraft core, primary role of volunteers on the
thanks to the ongoing drought. is that when a fire is uncontrollable ground. But it does underscore how
Fire seasons are getting longer on anything other than a landscape firefighting is evolving in response to a
and less predictable as witnessed by basis – ie ground crews have to fall changing environment.
recent late winter events that saw back a long way, establish a firebreak The strategic use of aircraft across
‘Firefighting bad weather and very dry conditions and then backburn to reinforce the the nation has been enabled by
fanning over 3,600 fires burning in
business operators willing to invest
line – aircraft can still have an impact
is evolving in July and August in NSW alone, with in reinforcing the depth of breaks and millions of dollars – and take the
patrolling for spotting of fires across
97,700 hectares burnt.
commercial risk that comes with
response to can provide to firefighters is speed of the break. those decisions – to ensure top line
The key advantage that aircraft
aviation tools are available to protect
The role of aerial fire attack
a changing response and aggressive initial attack – supervisors adds another layer of communities. And it is powered by the
enabling fires to be kept small.
skilled pilots, maintainers and support
complexity but also safety, support
environment .’ can head it or attack the flanks in case and performance enhancement for staff who are making aerial firefighting
When a fire is ‘running’ an aircraft
their career.
bombing pilots.
Steps in the right direction AHIA TORQUE
Govt aviation bodies gain much-needed board experience CEO – AHIA
ive credit where it is due. The is very much a step in the right problems that must be solved soon
appointment of two highly- direction. His extensive military and given the safety and economic issues
experienced commercial aviation general aviation experience will go being confronted by operators. The
Goperators to the CASA board a long way in assisting the efficient ongoing research is professional and
is a step in the right direction. Along bedding down of the expensive extensive, but we need to maintain a
with the heavy jet captain recently OneSky project. However, he cannot sense of urgency and get to the bottom
appointed, the board is continuing do it alone and we hope that more of the problems as soon as practicable.
to be strengthened and is now more commercial aviation leaders will be As mentioned in previous columns
representative of the industry that appointed to the Airservices board. We the AHIA board is working with the
it serves. We actively encourage have the experience and talent across experienced and talented Avalon team
the government to stay focused on our industry so why not use it for the to develop a new national event for
quality appointments as the emerging greater good? Who knows, maybe the rotary-wing industry, which will
relationship between CASA and the leaders from the rotary-wing sector build on the spectacular success of
industry begins to bear fruit. might be considered for either or both RotorTech 2018. Stay tuned for more ‘Who knows,
The Airservices Australia board boards? It would be an overdue first. details soon.
has been in desperate need of On the industry front, investigations Finally, the long fire and maybe leaders
sound aviation experience since the continue into the reasons for the early emergency season has begun.
retirement of the former chair. The failure of some pistons and cylinders We hope that all the airborne and from the
appointment of Air Chief Marshal in Robinson helicopters across the ground crews experience safe and
Mark Binskin (ret’d) as deputy chair hotter areas of the country. These are successful operations.
sector might be
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