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Getting together
              CEO – AAA
                             Gearing up for the National Conference

                                 ovember will see more than 600   undoubtedly will be an important topic   when they return to their airport.
                                 delegates descend on Brisbane   of discussion at the conference this year.  The regional stream will feature a case
                                 for the 2018 AAA National    We will be privileged to host the First   study on Launceston Airport, and how
                            NConference.                    Commissioner of the Federal Police   the three-time AAA Major Airport of the
                               The conference is always a real   Belgium, Jean-Pierre Devos, as one of   Year winner has delivered a distinctive
                             highlight on our annual calendar and   our international keynote speakers.   experience reflecting the local region.
                             provides a rare chance for airport   As one of the first people on the scene   A panel discussion will also examine
                             representatives from across Australia   after the attack on Brussels National   route development challenges and
                             to come together to discuss their   Airport in March 2016, he has a unique   opportunities for regional airports
                             achievements, challenges and plans for   view on responding to a security incident,   looking to grow services to their
                             the future.                    and the lessons learned from the attack.  community.
                               We have an extensive range of topics   The conference will also feature a   The commercial stream will look at
                             covered in this year’s program, from   number of sessions on meeting customer   how airports must respond to the age
                             broader industry issues that affect us all   needs, as airports continue to create   of the digital shopper in their retail
       ‘Security             to new technology and innovation being   memorable and enjoyable airport   spaces, and will also go behind the
                             implemented at airports both large and
                                                                                           scenes of Cairns Airport’s terminal
                                                            experiences for their passengers. SITA
       undoubtedly           small.                         vice president Catherine Meyer will be   redevelopment.
                                                                                             We look forward to welcoming our
                               The program also features a range of
                                                            among those sharing their expertise on
       will be an            networking opportunities, including the   engaging with the customer.  delegates to the conference for what will
                                                                                           be a busy and informative four days.
                             AAA Airport Industry Awards, which
                                                              While our dedicated regional airport
       important             will showcase some of the very best   stream returns again this year, we will   takes place from 13-16 November
                                                                                             The 2018 AAA National Conference
                             projects and initiatives in our industry.
                                                            also be hosting a commercial stream to
       topic.’               global security environment, security   ensure delegates can find sessions that   in Brisbane. To find out more, visit
                               As we continually adapt to an evolving
                                                            will deliver value for them in their roles
        Defining GA                                                                                    FROM THE REGIONS

        Finding appropriate regulatory oversight for general aviation                                     MIKE HIGGINS
                                                                                                          CEO – RAAA

            ast issue we reported on the   three rule sets that classify and cover   emerging policy proposal from
            highly successful ‘Reclassification   these three ranges of activities. It   CASA in terms of both operating
            of Activities’ initiative and   has CASR Part 91 for (Safe) general   and maintaining aircraft could well
        L presentation to senior industry   aviation/aerial work operations. It   be that if you are not in air transport
        participants and government officials.   has CASR Part 135 for (Safer) smaller   operations, you are in GA.
        Concurrently, the Minister is taking   air transport operations and it has
        a serious look at the health of general   CASR Part 121 for the (Safest) large air    NEXT STEPS
        aviation in Australia and is seeking   transport operations.  In order to take the risk analysis (and
        input into a comprehensive definition   Consequently by definition, if CASR   therefore the required regulatory
        of general aviation, in order for   Parts 121 or 135 do not apply to you,   oversight) of GA down to the next
        government to more comprehensively   then you must be in GA/aerial work.  level, we should again refer back to
        and effectively identify and understand   Secondly, we need to consider   the Reclassification of Activities. That
        the sector’s issues.           which maintenance regulations   is, we identify who is on board (either
          Air transport operations are   would complement the operational   passenger, participant, task specialist/
        regulated by a set of operational rules   Part 91 regulations for GA. It is   crew) and/or if the operation of the
        and maintenance rules and GA is no   understood that under a developing   aircraft undertaking a particular
        different. CASR Part 91 governs the   CASA-proposed CASR Part for GA   activity is exposed to an increased   ‘Additional
        operational aspects and most operators   maintenance based on the FARs, no   level of risk. Additional risk mitigators
        maintain their aircraft under CAR 30.  maintenance organisation approval   (crewing/training/equipment) can   risk mitigators
          Firstly, the reclassification of   (currently CAR 30) would be required   then be applied as appropriate. CASA
        activities presentation concludes that   for carrying out maintenance of   and the rotorcraft sector of the industry   can then be
        Australia should have essentially three   aircraft, engines or components other   (using the Sector Risk Profile studies)
        CASR Parts for operational regulations,   than propellers and instruments. This   have done this work very successfully   applied as
        based on risk, that provides for the   would apply to all aircraft not engaged   and we would endorse the same
        safety assurances of ‘Safe, Safer and   in air transport operations.  approach for fixed-wing GA/aerial   appropriate.’
        Safest’. CASA indeed already has   Therefore it appears that an   work operations and maintenance.

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