Page 96 - AA 2018_11
P. 96

For Daley, the Lake Argyle     At the time of writing. Daley was     Team Atom in Vans RV‑6 VH‑ZKV.   was made up of Ken Doncon, Peter
        experience achieved an ambition he had   on the final leg of a trip home to NSW,   stuart payne  Bennett, Len Morton and Ray Ness.
        spelled out when seeking sponsorship   close to three weeks after the end of         This year, the race with 38 aircraft
        for his team effort in the 2018 race, he   the event, after spending time making   and more than 85 crew, is forecast to
        was candid in wanting to be the first   the most of the trip home from             earn around $550,000. Overall, to
        pilot to take off from Lake Argyle.  Broome.                                       date, the race has raised more than
          Later, in speaking with Australian   The Outback Air Race 2018 is                $2.5 million for the RFDS.
        Aviation, modesty prevailed and he   on the way to registering an event              Contemporary teams, with
        admitted that he could not claim to be   record for the RFDS, the world’s          inventive team names, raise money via
        the first. “Who knows”? he asked.   largest aeromedical organisation, with         sponsorship through the Every Day
          “Yes,” he said, the Lake Argyle   $516,647 already in the kitty.                 Hero charitable contribution access
        experience was special. But his   The OAR is described as a “unique                point. And to make it fair for all, the
        particular highlight came after   triennial aeronautical challenge held            race is based more on navigational
        the race destination days before at   across the remote Australian Outback,        prowess and accuracy rather than
        Longreach.                     guaranteed to cover some of the                     speed.
          “The Thomson River was       most scenic, rugged and spectacular                   That delivers a level playing field
        enormous fun.                  geography and iconic townships   ‘It is not         for the slowest amateur-built or
          “I went out on a cruise boat with   in Australia.” The inaugural Mobil           vintage aircraft as well as the fastest.
        the rest of the air race people so had   Outback Air Race was held from   strictly a race   As the race instructions point out
        the opportunity to survey it from water   August 10-24 1996. Twenty-nine           it “is not strictly a race but rather a
        level. It was surprisingly wide and   Flying Doctor Service before leaving  but rather a   time trial and navigation exercise”.
                                       teams raised $130,000 for the Royal
        surprisingly straight in a lot of areas                                            Competitors accrue points by correctly
        and so I thought, gee, I might come   Jandakot, with further funds raised   time trial and   estimating the time it will take to fly
        over here tomorrow and have a splash   along the way.                              from a designated visual start point to
        in the water.”                   ‘Flynn’s Flyers’ were crowned   navigation        a designated visual endpoint as well
          So he did.                   Charity Queens at a gala ball in                    as the accuracy in locating and flying
          “And then we had a splash in the   Geraldton after a fantastic effort   exercise.’  over each point.
        dam at Mount Isa as well.”     to raise over $23,000. The team                       “Waypoints are identified with

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