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            “I certainly knew that becoming   in 1998 as STS-91 on board Discovery.          time was awesome as well. Nothing on
          a naval aviator was a very important   This mission was the second flight   ‘I was   Earth comes close to simulating the
          step to take in pursuit of my dream to   of the ASTRO observatory, a unique        6.5 million pounds of thrust that was
          be an astronaut. Plus, I knew that the   complement of three telescopes used   responsible   produced by the space shuttle during
          vast amount of operational experience   to conduct astronomical observations       launch!”
          I would gain as a Navy pilot would   in the ultraviolet spectral regions.   for orbiter   While most of us can only imagine
          be very valuable as well. At that point   And just as long-haul airliners have     such feelings or look whimsically at
          in time, I didn’t necessarily pursue   augmented crews to provide adequate   systems   one-dimensional images shot through
          additional qualifications because   rest for the pilots, Lawrence was              a lens in orbit, there is a new dawn of
          I thought they would help me get   assigned to serve as an orbit pilot, as   operations   space travel on the horizon.
          selected as an astronaut. Instead, my   she explains, “We flew three telescopes      NASA recently named nine US
          priority was gaining the qualifications   in the orbiter payload bay, which were   and execution   astronauts who will launch aboard
          I needed to be a more capable   operated around the clock. To do                   new American-made spacecraft and
          pilot and officer in my helicopter   this, we split the crew into two work   of the   rocket systems, in the first human
          squadrons.”                    shifts. The mission commander and                   launches from the United States
            Lawrence believes that her time as   pilot were on the Red shift. As the   manoeuvre   since 2011. These astronauts, eight
          a naval aviator had served her well for   mission flight engineer, the mission     from NASA and one from Boeing,
          training as an astronaut and that there   commander designated me as the   timeline.’   were assigned to conduct the first
          are parallels in the two fields.   orbit pilot for the Blue shift. That            test flights and operational missions
            “My military training prepared me   meant I was responsible for orbiter   WENDY LAWRENCE  for Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner and
          very well for the process of training   systems operations and execution of        SpaceX’s Crew Dragon in partnership
          to become an astronaut as NASA   the manoeuvre timeline while the                  with NASA’s Commercial Crew
          takes a similar approach. During my   commander and pilot slept.”                  Program.
          astronaut candidate training flow, we   When asked how flying the shuttle            Lawrence also sees a growing
          first studied each space shuttle system   compares to a helicopter from a pilot’s   future for spaceflight.
          one at a time, followed by sessions   perspective, Lawrence replies, “Let’s          “I believe we will continue to see
          in the procedural trainer. Once we   just say that for this helicopter pilot,      more public/private partnerships like
          learned all of the major systems, we   things happened much more quickly           the ones that NASA already has in
          progressed to the full-up simulator   onboard the Shuttle, given the speed         place with SpaceX, Boeing and Orbital
          to practice the procedures used to   at which it travelled!”                       ATK. Eventually, we will make the
          operate the space shuttle systems.”                                                journey to Mars, but that effort will
            Comparing her experience in the   Looking back                                   require a sustained flow of money
          two training realms of naval aviator   Of all the incredible sights and            and uninterrupted attention. When
          and astronaut, Lawrence considers   sensations that must be associated             we do go to Mars, I think we will pair
          that, “Looking back at it, I think Navy   with spaceflight, Lawrence recalls two   humans and robots (perhaps in the
          flight training was more challenging,   in particular.                             form of unmanned craft) together.”
          mainly because it was the first time   “Looking out the window and being     Wendy Lawrence spent 51 days   Neil Armstrong may not be
          I had been in that type of learning   weightless immediately come to mind!   in space across four Space   descending onto the lunar surface
          environment. By the time I started   And ‘riding the rocket’ for the first   Shuttle missions. nasa  for the world to witness through a
          astronaut candidate training, I                                                    grainy black and white transmission,
          had gone through the qualification                                                 but there are no shortage of inspiring
          training programs for five different                                               images and role models for the
          types of aircraft. That experience made                                            10-year-olds of today. Astronaut
          astronaut training a very familiar                                                 Wendy Lawrence is one of these,
          environment for me.”                                                               actively inspiring and encouraging the
            Lawrence also believes that the                                                  next generation through her personal
          qualities that make a good pilot also                                              appearances, speaking engagements
          make a good astronaut. A methodical                                                and interviews.
          approach, situational awareness and                                                  To the astronauts and aviators of
          self-discipline are among them and                                                 tomorrow, she says, “Go for it! It was
          she adds, “Being able to communicate                                               definitely hard work to become both a
          and work well with your fellow                                                     naval aviator and NASA astronaut, but
          crewmates,” as another important                                                   absolutely worth it as well. I have no
          skill.                                                                             regrets whatsoever!”
            As a helicopter pilot without jet                                                  We’ve all gazed at the heavens by
          experience, Lawrence wasn’t eligible                                               night and this author had one more
          to apply to become an astronaut                                                    question to ask Astronaut Lawrence.
          pilot and was not categorised as a                                                 Her answer stirred admiration tinged
          full-fledged shuttle pilot. However,                                               with a hint of envy in this aviator
          as she explains, “Virtually all mission                                            when she replied, “Yes, I do look at the
          specialists learned how to input                                                   night sky differently now knowing that
          manoeuvres into the orbiter guidance,                                              I had the opportunity to fly just a little
          navigation and control (GNC) system                                                closer to the stars.”
          during our training flows.”
            Lawrence’s first spaceflight was                                                 For more info please visit
          in 1995 as part of STS-67 aboard                                         ,
          Endeavour. Her third mission came                                                  Follow @AstroWendyL, #WeBelieveInAstronauts
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