Page 91 - AA 2018_11
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of diversification intrinsic to the o what next in terms of into a unique aero-hub, housing a
Gold Coast, Townsville and Mt Isa ‘That’s one infrastructure and service growth cluster of aerospace and support
properties. Sin North Queensland? industries that will service both
“There is quite a contrast across the indicator of Townsville is focusing on its latest commercial and defence clients.
airports – their infrastructure and the 20-year airport masterplan – signed Mills said the precinct is
various economies. why it pays to off by the federal government in 2016 underpinned by four large purpose-
“When you look at any business, – with a current spend of $20 million built hangers.
one of the decisions you make in terms diversify your out of $80 million allocated to the “I am a great fan of Flying Colours,”
of growth is how you build resilience. ‘Project Alive’ terminal redevelopment he said.
Look at the evolution of the Gold portfolio.’ and associated works. “Here is a business, out of
Coast, increasingly shifting in terms of According to QAL the Townsville, that provides services
business and leisure, but principally a CHRIS MILLS redevelopment will overcome capacity to both national and international
leisure market. issues while making the airport more operators; a quality service competing
“Mt Isa and Townsville were both modern, welcoming and generally with others in the Asia Pacific.
showing really strong growth with user-friendly. “It is unfortunate that over
a peak in 2012 then the resource To date, “The airside component the years we have seen the loss of
sector fell back. At the same time the has delivered two additional aircraft maintenance capacity from Australia
Gold Coast was growing. That’s one parking positions on the apron and to Asia Pacific. Flying Colours
indicator of why it pays to diversify rejuvenation of parts of the existing demonstrates that with quality you
your portfolio; to have one that’s 28-year-old apron surface.” can still pick up business.
performing more strongly when While QAL continues to work on “We were able to attract them as a
another might not be.” potential for expansion of services tenant here with our facilities and the
to and from Townsville, including airport. I would love to see if we could
the possibility of a Singapore service, grow maintenance opportunities in
Mills and his team are also looking that area.”
for growth in other airport-associated Mills said he would like to see that
business opportunities. include wider MRO.
He points to the Flying Colours “State and federal governments
aircraft paint operation, part of the could get behind regrowth in MRO
Northern Australia Aerospace Centre which has largely gone to Asia in
of Excellence (NAACEX) as one of the recent years.
great Townsville success stories. “Even if we picked up a small
NAACEX covers about 17 hectares percentage of business from offshore
of airport land and is being developed we would see growth in the industry
and jobs for Australia. I’d hate to
see a further decline and business to
Gold Coast Airport handles
more than 6.5 million disappear.”
He also pointed to the airport’s
passengers each year. qal
continuing link with the Department
of Defence under the terms of a joint
user agreement and potential for more
jobs related to defence industries.
At Mt Isa, Mills believes there
are opportunities for growth in
tourism, for example connections to
the picturesque region around Adels
Grove. “Isa could be the gateway to
some untapped parts of Queensland,”
he said.
Finally, what of the prospect of a
service between the two key QAL hubs
of the Gold Coast and Townsville?
The two cities have not been linked
since the demise of JetGo which ran a
service via Rockhampton.
“We discuss new market
opportunities with our airline partners
regularly and in our view there is an
opportunity to link Australia’s premier
tourist destination … with the largest
city in Northern Australia,” he said.
“We’re seeing domestic capacity
growth quite constrained at the
moment, so it’s hard to say when this
might be secured.
“But in our view something in the
100-seater range would be ideal.”
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