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          perspective and makes it all relevant,   that underpin and enable the                “To a large degree we have achieved
          which makes it much easier as an   establishment of high performance   ‘People speak   this goal but, like safety, this is a
          audience to listen, participate and   teams, while empowering all                  goal that requires continuous and
          retain. Thank you Rick and Natalie.”  personnel to truly believe in a drive   up because   relentless pursuit. We want to remain
            And, “I’ve done many Human   at all levels to establish a culture                at the forefront of NTS training
          Factors/CRM/MCC courses in the last   of excellence and continuous   they know     and continue to make significant
          10 years. This one was a great mix, the   improvement.                             investments to keep this training
          most enjoyable and involved that I’ve   The ACE Training Centre model is   it leads to   highly relevant to our industry.”
          done! CONGRATS!”               one of the few that is truly integrated               The following from a trainee
                                         across other critical departments to   action being   encapsulates what can be possible
          NTS and high reliability       ensure actions are taken quickly to                 when delivering high quality training
          Every organisation can benefit from   address known or perceived hazards   taken.’  that allows emergency medical
          an integrated, experiential NTS   and risks. This empowers personnel               services teams to perform well under
          program. Not only does the ACE   to know they’re being heard and                   extreme levels of pressure:
          Training Centre inculcate a culture   resources are made available to                “I was somewhat sceptical but can
          of professionalism and continuous   address known risks, including an              say with confidence I am now alarmed
          improvement for enhanced business   investment in new ways of doing                that in my 10,000-plus hours I had
          efficiency, but the outcomes are   business. People speak up because               not undergone training on the system
          aligned with high reliability.   they know it leads to action being                in such a realistic environment.”
            Highly reliable organisations, such   taken – increased knowledge of               The ACE Training Centre is an
          as Toll, are those that have less than   human factors through NTS allows          investment in excellence, empowering
          their ‘fair share’ of failures despite:  the root causes to be identified,         and enabling future generations
             » managing complex and demanding   ensuring management at all levels are        of emergency helicopter pilots,
            technologies;                kept well informed.                                 aircrewmen, critical care helicopter
             » meeting peak requirements and   “Toll’s ACE Training Centre                   paramedics and doctors to continue
            time pressures;              opened its doors almost two years                   to protect our loved ones when
             » routinely handling significant risks   ago with a view to taking NTS training   confronted with a crisis. It’s a true
            and hazards; and             to the next level and realising the                 testament to an investment in
             » executing dynamic/intensely   goal of providing world-class training          professional standards.
            interactive tasks.           to the aviation and aeromedical     Toll Ambulance Rescue
            The investment in experiential   industries,” ACE Training Centre   Helicopter Service performs   Do you have an example of contemporary, innovative
          NTS programs ensures personnel   general manager Scott Watkins    over 2,500 missions per year.   human factors training programs in operation?
          understand the human factors   puts it.                         mark jessop        Tell us more at

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