Page 83 - AA 2018_11
P. 83

A Complete Aircrew Training
                                                                                                              System (CATS) utilises
                                                                                                           virtual reality (VR) to deliver
                                                                                                          experiential training . mark jessop

                                                              indication of impending mechanical   track record in delivering successful
            An AW139 simulator.                               failure) and the adrenaline is now   outcomes, even when confronted with
            mark jessop                                       pumping back into the bodies of the   high pressure, high stress and time-
                                                              aircrew, while the paramedic and   critical situations.
                                                              doctor are still focused on the patient’s
                                                              needs as the pilot and aircrewman   A real-life cost
                                                              consider their options. The aircrew   While our example shows the
                                                              know that any further delays may   intense pressure faced and the
                                                              cost the life of this patient, but the   professionalism required to get people
                                                              chip light has other implications for   to safety, there are situations where
                                                              the ongoing safety of the crew and   rescues do go wrong. Accidents have
                                                              the helicopter. It’s dark, and several   occurred internationally and locally
                                                              time-critical decisions will now   here in Australia with investigations
                                                              need to be made under increased   identifying safety issues relating to
                                                              workload associated with the aircraft   training that could adversely influence
                                                              emergency.                     crew performance.
                                                                Although this scenario could easily   These lessons have served as
                                                              be a real event, it is taken from one of   a catalyst that led to a significant
                                                              the recent virtual reality (VR) training   investment by NSW Health to learn
                                                              scenarios that crews must deal with,   from various tragedies and to build
                                                              to assist them to develop their non-  a training facility and operations
                                                              technical skills (NTS) during their   support centre that is second to none
                                                              regular NTS training program at the   – easily among the very best in the
                                                              Toll Ambulance Rescue Helicopter   world.
                                                              Service’s Aeromedical Crewing
                                                              Excellence (ACE) Training Centre at   The ACE Training Centre – setting the
                                                              Bankstown.                     new benchmark
                                                                Welcome to the world of emergency   Australian Aviation regularly ‘road
                                                              medical services. These men and   tests’ aircraft and this is our first
                                                              women face significant challenges in   ‘road test’ of a human factors training
                                                              complex situations every day to help   centre, in this case the ACE Training
                                                              save your loved ones. There is no   Centre, supported by Convergent
                                                              doubting the professionalism and the   Safety, which delivers an impressive
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