Page 82 - AA 2018_11
P. 82


          magine it’s a quiet Saturday                      they’ve passed me the telephone. Jim’s   wounds that require immediate action
          morning and the toils of another   ‘Minutes can   face is very pale and while my heart’s   to stabilise blood loss and to manage
          busy week have taken their toll.                  racing, I must control my breathing   post-traumatic shock. Once on board
        IAt last (and for what feels like   mean the        and stay focused on following the   the helicopter, every action is focused
        the first time this week) it’s time to              directions from the operator.   on stabilising the patient and keeping
        relax, and to let the mind unwind   difference        The 10 minutes it takes for the   them alive until they arrive at a
        over a fresh cup of coffee. The blue                ambulance to arrive seem like an   specialist hospital.
        sky and warm rays of the sun beam   between life    eternity, I’ve done as much as I can.   It’s now very early in the morning
        through the lounge room windows and                 They’ve already called for a helicopter   and the fatigue risk management
        combine with a gentle breeze rustling   and death.’  as Jim has internal injuries that   system (prior sleep, individual fatigue
        the trees in the garden. It’s a pleasant            are well beyond the capacity of our   risk profiles, crew monitoring each
        relief from what’s been a cold winter.              smaller local medical facility. The kids   other, appropriate use of caffeine etc)
        Relaxing on the couch, warm and                     are still crying, it’s a shock to us all to   combined with an ongoing release
        calm, it’s a contrast to the usual pace             see Jim looking so helpless. They’re   of adrenaline ensures the insidious
        of juggling a busy job, a partner who               telling us everything is going to be   effects of fatigue are managed to
        travels regularly, the never-ending                 OK but my hands are still shaking   keep the crew alert. The acute stress
        demands of a hobby farm and a couple                uncontrollably….               hangover will kick in later in the
        of teenagers who are quickly becoming                 For anyone living in remote areas,   morning. Tasks such as this, driven by
        adults.                                             the sound of a helicopter arriving   the sympathetic nervous system, tap
          Then the pleasant moment is                       to provide lifesaving medical care is   into stored reserves and drain the body
        suddenly disrupted.                                 something you hope you never need to   of the critical irons and chemicals
          The screams are deafening…the                     call on. But when confronted with the   needed to allow the brain to continue
        panic in their voices… “Mum, we                     terror of an injured or sick loved one   to function at its best. It keeps them
        need help”…no time to think…a huge                  the relief of specialist medical support   alert in the moment but there will be
        shot of adrenaline pulses through the               can be the difference between life and   a price to pay once they’re back inside
        body. Its frantic, running to the noise,            death.                         the confines of their home base that
        outside the kids are screaming as they                                             will eventually involve a long period of
        try to get a response from their father             Professionalism at its finest  deep sleep.
        who is lying motionless on the ground,              The professionalism and specialist
        the tractor lying on its side. My god,              skills of aeromedical rescue pilots,   Confronting complex situations to
        Jim was always so careful with the                  crewmen, critical care helicopter   rescue you
        tractor…I must stay calm, constantly                paramedics and doctors is something   Back in the helicopter as the rescue
        telling myself not to panic.                        we may take for granted. These small   continues to unfold, there is a brief
          “Call triple zero”.                               teams typically work under intense   moment of quiet when the autopilot
          As the kids run for the telephone                 pressure.                      assists with the management of the
        I’m doing my best to recall basic first               Imagine it’s 3am and you’ve just   workload and this affords the pilot a
        aid. DR ABC – Danger, Response,                     made an emergency landing to a   brief opportunity to think ahead, to
        Airway, Breathing and Circulation.                  remote field using night vision goggles   plan the approach into the hospital.
        We’re not in any further danger                     (NVGs). This requires a high cognitive   Yet in an instant, there is an orange
        but I cannot get a response from                    workload where all crew play a role to   light and a master caution alarm.
        Jim who remains unconscious. His                    ensure the helicopter avoids external   Training in decision-making kicks
        airway appears to be clear although     AW139s inside the Toll   obstacles to make a safe landing. Once   in – the alarm and caution light are
        his breathing is very short and raspy.   Ambulance Rescue Helicopter   on the ground, minutes can mean the   cancelled and it’s straight into the
        There is a faint pulse, thank goodness!   Service’s Bankstown hangar.   difference between life and death,   emergency checklist.
        The kids are starting to panic and   mark jessop    especially if the patient has traumatic   It’s a chip light (a possible

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