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          fail the sequence. Yet, some operators              Bright spots                     on. In some cases, where a tool
          continue to remain stuck in the past                If we review a relatively simple   is identified as missing, video
          with low trust in their NTS training                definition of human factors, the   footage from the maintenance
          system, continuing to require a     The Complete Aircrew Training   application can be defined as the   facility can help identify if the tool
          technical failure alongside poor NTS   System utilises virtual reality   minimisation of human error and   has been misplaced and where it
          to receive an overall fail, even if the   to deliver experiential training,   its consequences by optimising the   is located, significantly reducing
          NTS elements alone were well below   including decision‑making   relationship within systems between   the risk of foreign object damage
          expected standards.              under stress. paul sadler  people, activities and equipment.   (FOD) from a tool being left in an
                                                                The experience of many aviators   engine compartment. It creates
                                                              is they find human factors training   a workplace culture aligned with
                                                              interesting, but it can lack the   professional tool control.
                                                              practical tools to help optimise the     » A purpose-built work platform that
                                                              performance of personnel. The    has been further modified based
                                                              Toll Ambulance Rescue Helicopter   on the feedback of the aircraft
                                                              Operations and ACE Training Centre   maintainers.
                                                              provide many examples of embedded     » A bird bath for washing helicopters
                                                              support systems that maximise team   post-flight, removing deposits of
                                                              communication and situational    salt water. It is linked to a mobile
                                                              awareness, such as:              phone application, making it easy
                                                                 » A Complete Aircrew Training   for the crew to keep the aircraft
                                                                System (CATS) that utilises    in good shape, day or night,
                                                                virtual reality (VR) to deliver   particularly given the potential
                                                                experiential training, including   impact of corrosive salt.
                                                                decision-making under stress.    » Innovative Australian-designed
                                                                 » Helicopter Underwater Escape   work stations, including electronic
                                                                Training (HUET) that can replicate   screens interconnected through a
                                                                sea state three, with a far more   master display to ensure relevant
                                                                experiential setting surrounded   information can be displayed
                                                                by waves, mist, 40 knot winds,   to manage the myriad of tasks
                                                                thunderstorms (strobe lights,   completed by the small support
                                                                thunderclap sounds). Many      team. This includes rostering
                                                                previous HUET trainees have only   across four bases, fatigue risk
                                                                been in stable swimming pools.  management, refuelling, debriefs,
                                                                 » An engineering tool control   flight data analysis, liaison with
                                                                utilising automation to help   engineering, base security, and
                                                                monitor and track the use of   many more.
                                                                various tools across different     » Appropriate crew rest facilities
                                                                aircraft. A licensed maintenance   such as 24 rooms with ensuites
                                                                engineer swipes their identification   to ensure fatigued crews can gain
                                                                card to open the toolbox, selects   access to sleep prior to their drive
                                                                the relevant tools and allocates   home. And if the pressure to be
                                                                them to the aircraft they’re working   home remains too high, all crew
                                                                                               have access to taxi vouchers to and
                                                                                               from work to further manage the

                                                                                               The ability for personnel at all
                                                                                             levels to seek better, more efficient,
                                                                                             innovative ways of doing business
                                                                                             is clear. Contributing to this very
                                                                                             professional workplace culture is an
                                                                                             NTS program that goes well beyond
                                                                                             minimum regulatory compliance
                                                                                             by empowering all personnel to
                                                                                             understand how their own human
                                                                                             factors contribute to a culture
                                                                                             of professionalism, continuous
                                                                                             improvement and high-performance
                                                                                             Developing a culture of professional
                                                                                             As part of Toll’s vision for The ACE
                                                                                             Training Centre, Convergent Safety
                                                                                             was contracted to develop and deliver
                                                                                             the ongoing NTS training package.
                                                                                               Convergent Safety’s managing
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