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balance of experiential technical and
        non-technical skills (NTS). It offers
        training that maximises the ability of
        the crews to enhance their standards
        of professionalism and their ability to
        perform well under intense pressure.
          It’s well known that good
        management of NTS – essentially
        human factors such as stress, fatigue,
        human error, critical decision-making
        under time pressure, crew dynamics
        and communication – are critical in
        achieving optimum performance.
        Equally, inadequate management
        of NTS continues to be cited as
        a primary contributor to serious
        incidents and accidents. This is why
        the International Civil Aviation
        Organization (ICAO) requires aviation
        regulators to integrate NTS within
        safety management systems (SMS)
        and training programs.
          The ACE Training Centre         The ACE Training Centre   knowledge with experiential, skills-  of trust when implementing formal
        provides fresh insight into the NTS   hosts perhaps Australia’s   based application. Good NTS training   training and assessment. Trainees
        performance that must be achieved   most advanced Helicopter   programs provide tangible and   could only fail on a technical
        by any operator seeking the high   Underwater Escape Training   practical tools that you can take away   consideration, not an NTS failure.
        standards required by aviation                      to better understand yourself, your   As programs have matured, so have
        operators. Arguably NTS training   (HUET). mark jessop  team, and a realistic opportunity to   standards and inter-rate reliability
        programs reached their peak 10 to                   apply these new skills.        (making sure all check and training
        15 years ago and continue to involve                  In addition, when NTS programs   personnel assess to a similar
        too much classroom-based, case                      were first introduced – formerly   standard). Put simply, in the past,
        study-driven generic discussions.                   known as crew resource management   you could fly a simulator task within
        While this style of training is a good              (CRM) or team resource management   technical limits, use some profanities
        start, it is not adequate to bridge                 (TRM) – they warranted a degree   to belittle the first officer, and still not
        the gap between attitudes and

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