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director, Rick Sellers and his team Communication/Teamwork: scores
have extensive experience with NTS a zero when unable to work as a team
for high performance teams, and the member, creates barriers between
opportunity to tailor a program from crew thereby not using feedback or
the ground up and to learn from the input from others.
lessons gained from the past 35 years The pilot in this case would
of human factors training was an score a zero, and the crew would be
opportunity like no other. collectively debriefed with further
The full integration of NTS within remedial training conducted to
The ACE Training Centre provides address the feedback. These processes
a whole new generation of training are necessary for establishing a
quality, which importantly includes culture that expects and requires high
practical strategies to transition professional standards.
key training lessons into skills- The ACE Training Centre NTS
based application within an actual program is setting a new benchmark
helicopter. for professional excellence. Its
“Before we develop a course of strengths are:
training for a client, we take the time » All staff, including senior
to discuss their specific requirements management, are provided
and work with their safety training to understand their role in
management team to identify the key contributing to high performance
areas of risk within their operational outcomes for the entire team. The
context,” Sellers says. training system is adapted and
“In addition to this, we normally contextualised to align to their
conduct a review of recent incidents separate needs.
within similar areas of operation using » The NTS element is not a
both Australian and international regulatory ‘bolt-on’, but rather a
data. Based on this review, we build key contributor to making sure
an NTS training program which the system tailors programs
is customised for the client and is aligned with workplace needs.
designed to assist the organisation This includes regular feedback
by providing appropriate training, on the types of scenarios that
tools and processes which can be should be placed into the cyclic
used to help mitigate the identified training system. To achieve this,
operational risks.” there are strong links between
Sellers says that properly the NTS Program Manager and
integrating new training programs will key decision makers, including the
always present challenges. Managing Director, Head of Check
“Having said that, we make sure and Training, Safety Managers and
that all our training is relevant to the representatives of the operating
context of operations and is linked crews.
to both the SMS and the technical » Heavy emphasis on inter-rate
checking and training system. We reliability delivers consistent
also use surveying and feedback to standards across all four bases,
keep the training material relevant Inside one of eight Toll » situational awareness; making for seamless transitions
and up-to-date. In any high hazard Ambulance Rescue Helicopter » execution of procedures; when any member is required to
operation it is vital that these training Service AW139s it operates for » decision-making; and provide support at other bases.
programs remain up-to-date and NSW Ambulance. mark jessop » hazard (threat) awareness and risk » It is one main training location
relevant to current operational management. and program, so there is reduced
risks, this is why these continuous duplication of effort by smaller
improvement processes are so Given the high professional organisations developing and
important. If you just stay with what standards required from their crews, delivering their own NTS training.
has been done in the past, you are the system assesses each on their own » There is extensive use of lead
steadily going backwards.” merit and ultimately a failure can indicators to ensure the system
result if a standard in either category is doesn’t just react to known hazards
Essential skills not adequate. If there is any outcome and risks but is proactively learning
Toll Helicopters, through Convergent (technical or NTS) that compromises new lessons prior to an incident.
Safety, has developed a number of: safety, the result is a fail. A single zero » There are advanced training
» technical skills; in an NTS assessment criteria or two systems and tools including a full
» non technical skills (NTS); or more scores of one is an outcome motion simulator.
» manipulative skills; of not yet competent, requiring Testimonials from trainees speaks
» communication and teamwork; remedial training and re-assessment. for themselves:
» knowledge of systems and For example, consider a pilot is flying “First CRM/ARM course that I’ve
procedures; a standard instrument departure done that is Helo specific – GREAT!
» leadership authority and and makes an abrupt or aggressive Nice to see data drawn from various
assertiveness; comment to the aircrewman. Then sources not just American/Canadian
» automated system usage; consider this assessment criteria: sources or from Airlines. Puts it all in