Page 78 - AA 2018_11
P. 78

Gaining support                  With so many Australians affected                 epaulettes all over the world.  We have
        Within days, support for FlyPink   by cancer, it’s not surprising that   ‘Stories like   sent epaulettes to pilots in over 30
        had spread across all of the Qantas   passenger feedback has also been             countries who fly for over 135 different
        Group airlines; including Qantas   overwhelmingly positive. This has   this make   operators. Some airlines allow their
        International, Qantas Domestic,   ranged from donations in support                 pilots to wear them, others are more
        Jetconnect and Jetstar. Such an   of friends and family affected by the   a huge   reserved, but those pilots attach them
        embrace allowed the message to   disease, to feedback of a more personal           to their luggage and alike. It has a
        cross state and international borders,   nature.              difference to        really broad appeal.”
        with pink epaulettes being worn by   McHaffie reflects on one story that
        pilots operating the airline’s smallest   has stuck with her; “I remember one   me and the   Keeping it real
        Dash 8s to regional centres, to the   email I received from a passenger.           Having successfully established
        largest A380s that travel as far afield   She had flown QantasLink to Sydney   whole team.’   FlyPink, Captain Susan McHaffie had
        as London or Dallas.           to receive breast cancer treatment.                 learnt a lot about cancer, as well as
          In return for their pink epaulettes,   Seeing the pink epaulettes was so   CAPT SUSAN MCHAFFIE  how it is detected and treated. Early
        pilots make donations in support of   important to her because she felt            identification can make a significant
        breast cancer research. McHaffie’s   like the crew was there supporting            difference to treatment outcomes,
        initial goal was to raise $20,000,   her. Stories like this make a huge            a fact that led McHaffie to take a
        but since 2015 the FlyPink team has   difference to me and the whole team.”        proactive step and get a breast cancer
        achieved 25 times that target.   In the years since FlyPink’s launch,              scan of her own.
          As support surged within the   pilots from other airlines have noticed             “Even though I was younger than
        Qantas Group, the variety of FlyPink   the striking pink epaulettes worn by        the recommended age, I went ahead
        merchandise available has grown.   the Qantas Group crew. This has led to          and got the scan. The results came
        Items have been introduced to   pilots from other airlines joining in the          back and I was told I had breast
        encourage ground staff, cabin crew   campaign in various forms.                    cancer. It was a bit surreal. I went
        and airport teams to get involved.   McHaffie explains, “We’ve sent the            through the treatment and now have

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