Page 94 - AA 2018_11
P. 94

The Outback Air Race

                                       2018 takes competitors

                                       from Brisbane to


                                        WRITER: STEVE GIBBONS

           lying an amphibian across 2,120   flying boat from its graveyard in Spain   ‘It was a   cause dear to Australian hearts: a role
           nautical miles of the driest   to the Qantas Founders Museum in                 in raising more than half a million
           continent on the planet might   Longreach.                 fabulous             dollars for the Royal Flying Doctor
        Fseem like a recipe for madness,   The project represented a six-year              Service through the triennial Outback
        but then John Daley is well used to   labour of love (and some tears) to   display of   Air Race.
        pushing the envelope when it comes   salvage the 1944 model and honour               What’s more, it gave them the
        to water-capable aircraft – and good   the Qantas Catalina crews of wartime        chance to indulge in their passion for
        causes.                        Operation Sunrise – the secret supply-  airmanship.’   flying as well as (literally) making a
          The retired Qantas long-haul pilot   line between Australia and England   STUART PAYNE  splash, thanks to some of the more
        is well known in aviation circles as a   via Perth and Ceylon.                     unlikely landing spots in remote
        key member of the Seaplane Pilots   So it came as no surprise when                 Australia.
        Association of Australia, and for   Daley and his co-pilot Marcus Grealy             The cockpit of a Lake LA-4-200
        his role in the dedicated team that   (also a retired ‘heavy’ pilot) embraced      Buccaneer is about as far as you can
        restored and delivered a Catalina   the chance to contribute to another            get from the flightdeck of Daley and

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