Page 12 - AA 2018_11
P. 12

Debrief                                         News briefs from across aviation                   WRITER: JORDAN CHONG

           Boeing’s clean-sheet design    DEFENCE NEWS      Boeing Defence Australia was the   website, read. “The helicopter should
         has been selected for the   The Royal Australian Air Force   prime contractor for delivering   be capable of being fitted with simple,
         USAF’s T-X advanced jet trainer   (RAAF) has taken delivery of its ninth   and operating Helicopter Aircrew   proven, intelligence, surveillance and
         program. boeing     F-35A Joint Strike Fighter and the   Training System (HATS) program   reconnaissance (ISR) equipment and
                             first to be taken on strength by its   (acquired under AIR 9000 Phase 7),   weapons systems.”
                             first operational flying unit to fly the   which sees Defence and Boeing   –
                             jet, No 3 Squadron. F-35A A35-009   civilian instructors work side-by-side   Boeing and Saab have emerged
                             was delivered to Luke Air Force Base,   delivering pilot, AWO and aircrew   victorious in securing the highly
                             Arizona where it was accepted by   training for both the Navy and Army.  sought-after United States Air Force
                             3QSN in early September.       –                              (USAF) T-X trainer program worth up
                             –                              The Department of Defence has   to US$9.2 billion. The USAF said on
                             The Australian Defence Force’s (ADF)   begun the process of acquiring new   September 27 2018 Boeing and Saab’s
                             new Joint Helicopter School has   light helicopters for Army special   T-X trainer would replace the Air
                             graduated its first course of Australian   forces support with the release of   Education and Training Command’s
                             Navy and Army pilots, aviation   a request for information (RFI).   57-year-old fleet of Northrop T-38C
                             warfare officers and helicopter   “The helicopters are to be proven   Talons. Currently, it plans to purchase
                             aircrew. The 28 graduates of No 1   (already in service) commercial or   351 T-X aircraft, 46 simulators
                             Pilot, Aviation Warfare Officer and   military-off-the-shelf, optimised   and associated ground equipment.
                             Aircrewman Courses were presented   for operating in dense urban   Looking further ahead, the USAF said
                             their wings by Commander Fleet Air   environments, and capable of being   the “indefinite-delivery/indefinite-
                             Arm Commodore Chris Smallhorn   rapidly deployed by air transport in   quantity contract” allowed for the
                             at Nowra on August 31, after 37   ADF Boeing C-17A Globemaster III   purchase of up to 475 aircraft and 120
                             students comprising the first intake   aircraft,” the RFI, released on the   simulators.
                             began their training in mid-January.   Australian Government’s AusTender   –

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