Page 13 - AA 2018_11
P. 13


          The United Kingdom is considering
          buying Boeing E-7 Wedgetail airborne
          early warning and control (AEW&C)
          aircraft to replace the RAF’s seven
          ageing E-3D Sentry aircraft. Defence
          Minister Christopher Pyne said the
          UK had confirmed it was in discussion
          with Boeing and the RAAF about
          acquiring Wedgetail, six of which are
          in service with Williamtown-based
          2 Squadron. Minister Pyne and
          Defence Industry Minister Steve
          Ciobo said this would further deepen
          Australia’s relationship with the
          UK and was an endorsement of a
          crucial part of Australia’s air combat
          The first series production aircraft
          from Embraer’s KC-390 airlifter
          program completed its maiden flight
          on October 9. Although the KC-390
          flight test program has logged some
          1,900 flight hours since it began in
          2015, the two aircraft being used are
          prototypes. Embraer said the first   that will operate twice a week with   Perth to Hong Kong, as well as from     The RAAF has taken delivery of
          series production aircraft will also join   Boeing 737-800s during a six-week   Hong Kong to Bangalore, Chennai,   its ninth F-35A. usaf
          the flight test program.       period between December 13 2018   Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai in India,
                                         and January 26 2019. The airline is   Colombo in Sri Lanka, Yangon in
           AIRPORTS NEWS                 also adding 27,000 more seats out of   Myanmar and Danang, Hanoi and
          A private consortium called AirRail   the Gold Coast during the Christmas   Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. In
          Melbourne comprising fund manager   travel period with more flights to   turn, Cathay Pacific will add its CX
          IFM Investors, Melbourne Airport,   Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne and   airline code on select Qantas domestic
          Metro Trains Australia (the operator   Sydney, as well as across the Tasman   services from Adelaide, Brisbane,
          of Melbourne’s metropolitan rail   to Auckland.               Cairns, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.
          network) and Southern Cross    -                              –
          Station, which is owned, operated   The Australian Transport Safety   The Qantas Boeing 747-400/400ER
          and maintained by IFM under a   Board (ATSB) has found a Virgin   fleet is down to single digits after the
          public-private partnership with the   Australia Boeing 737-800 came within   retirement of VH-OJT. The aircraft
          Victorian government, has made a   five metres of a runway excursion   named Fraser Island operated its last
          pitch to build the proposed $15 billion   after landing at Christchurch Airport   revenue service in Qantas colours
          rail link between the Melbourne CBD   because pilots did not configure the   on Saturday September 22, when
          and Tullamarine airport. It would   aircraft properly for a wet arrival in   it took off from Brisbane as QF55.
          contribute $5 billion to building the   May 2015. The ATSB final report   Following a few final checks at Los
          airport rail link, matching the funding   said the pilots of flight VA134 from   Angeles, VH-OJT was ferried to
          commitments of both the Victorian   Sydney to Christchurch, operated by   Mojave Air and Space Port Airport on
          and federal governments towards the   737-800 VH-VOP, “misperceived the   September 25. Figures from Qantas
          project.                       runway surface conditions”, believing   showed VH-OJT, MSN25565 and
          –                              it was damp when it was actually wet.   LN1233, completed about 9,300
          Construction on Sydney’s long-  “As a result, the crew established the   cycles and racked up about 90,000
          awaited second airport kicked off   aircraft’s landing performance based   flight hours in its near two-decade
          at Badgerys Creek in the city’s west   on a dry rather than a wet runway   flying career with the airline. The     An artist’s rendering of the
          on September 24 2018 with Prime   and the expected Runway 29 landing   remaining nine 747s are due to be   Melbourne Airport station for the
          Minister Scott Morrison surveying   performance was not achieved,” the   withdrawn by the end of 2020.  proposed AirRail rail link. airrail
          the scene before him and declaring   ATSB final report said.
          “how good is this”. The arrival of
          bulldozers for earthmoving works is    QANTAS GROUP NEWS
          the latest milestone in a project that   Qantas and Cathay Pacific have
          is due to be completed by 2026. The   announced a codeshare agreement
          initial earthworks were to prepare the   that covers 13 Australian domestic
          ground for the eventual runway and   routes, two Australia-Hong Kong
          terminal construction.         routes and 10 routes from Hong
                                         Kong to India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka
           VIRGIN AUSTRALIA GROUP NEWS   and Vietnam. Under the new
          Virgin Australia is boosting its   arrangements, Qantas will add its
          network from the Gold Coast with a   QF airline code on Cathay Pacific-
          new seasonal nonstop service to Perth   operated flights from Cairns and
                                                                                                                NOVEMBER 2018 13
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