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           OEM NEWS                      October 2 2018. Regulators also   Gulfstream said on September 27 it   ‘Boeing’s
          Airbus’s re-engined A330-900   approved the A321LR to operate   had delivered the first G500 business
          widebody has received its type   under 180-minute extended    jet. The first customer of the next-  evergreen
          certification from the European   operations (ETOPS) rules. The   generation aircraft was based in North
          Aviation Safety Agency (EASA),   180-minute ETOPS – which means   America. First delivery came about   747 program
          paving the way for first delivery to   the aircraft can be flown on a route   two months after the G500 received
          launch customer TAP Air Portugal.   that keeps it within three hours   type certification from the US Federal   has reached
          The certification of the A330-900,   flying time on a single engine from   Aviation Administration (FAA).
          part of the A330neo family of aircraft,   an alternate airport in the event of an            another
          on September 26 2018 followed a   engine failure – was sufficient for the    PEOPLE NEWS
          flight test program that kicked off   A321LR to perform any trans-Atlantic   The federal government has named   milestone.’
          on October 17 2017 involving three   route, Airbus said.      former Chief of Defence Force Air
          aircraft that racked up a total of 1,400   –                  Chief Marshal Mark Binskin as
          flight test hours.             Boeing’s evergreen 747 program    deputy chair of Airservices Australia.
          –                              has reached another milestone.    Binskin was Chief of Defence Force
          Still on Airbus, the company has   On September 30, Boeing celebrated   from July 2014 until July 2018.
          secured certification from regulators   the 50th anniversary of the rollout   –
          in Europe and the United States for its   of the first 747 at its Everett final   Guillaume Faury has been
          A321LR to operate long-range flights,   assembly line in Washington State   named as the successor to Tom
          including over-water routes. The   just outside Seattle. The first 747-100   Enders as Airbus chief executive.
          US Federal Aviation Administration   emerged on September 30 1968,   Currently president of Airbus’s
          (FAA) and European Aviation    heralding the start of an aircraft   Commercial Aircraft division,
          Safety Agency (EASA) have      program that ushered in a golden age   Faury’s appointment will be put
          certified the A321LR to operate    of aviation and mass transportation   to shareholders at the company’s
          with up to three underfloor additional   via air travel.      annual general meeting in
          centre tanks (ACT), Airbus said on   –                        April 2019.

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                                                                                                                NOVEMBER 2018 17
                                                                                                               12/07/18   2:22 PM
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            09325 FLY Global.indd   2                                                                          12/07/18   2:22 PM
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