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                             passengers. The busiest international   777-300ER and switch Dubai-  By contrast, Cathay Pacific is adding a
                             route in terms of passenger numbers   Adelaide from the 777-300ER to   sixth weekly flight between Adelaide
                             was Hong Kong-Taipei Taoyuan at   the smaller 777-200LR. Its Dubai-  and Hong Kong from October 28.
                             6,719,030, followed by Singapore-  Denpasar-Auckland flights have also   The airline also planned to offer a
                             Jakarta (4,810,602).           been cut from daily to between four   split schedule where three flights a
                             –                              and five times weekly.         week depart Adelaide in the afternoon
                             Emirates plans to downgauge some   –                          and three operate as an overnight
                             services and cut frequencies on its   Similarly, Thai Airways is reducing   service. Similarly, from Hong Kong
                             Australia and New Zealand network   its Bangkok-Sydney service to daily,   there will be three red-eye services
                             for the Northern Winter scheduling   from 11 times weekly, scaling back   and three morning departures. Cathay
                             season from October 28 to March 30.   Bangkok-Brisbane from daily to four   Pacific said the new schedule would
                             According to schedule updates, the   times weekly and cutting Melbourne-  give customers greater choice and
                             Qantas alliance partner will reduce   Bangkok from double daily to 11   improved connectivity to and from
                             its Dubai-Perth schedule from twice   frequencies a week. Its Perth-Bangkok   European destinations via Hong
                             daily to 11 times weekly, downgauge   schedule was unchangd at daily. The   Kong.
                             its daily Dubai-Singapore-Melbourne   changes represent a capacity reduction   –
           Airbus has received certification   and Dubai-Bangkok-Sydney services   of about 30 per cent.  The New Zealand government has
         for the A330-900neo. airbus  from the Airbus A380 to Boeing   –                   given the green light to Air New
                                                                                           Zealand and Singapore Airlines
                                                                                           (SIA) continuing their alliance
                                                                                           for a further five years. Under the
                                                                                           partnership, which began in 2015, the
                                                                                           pair codeshares on routes between
                                                                                           New Zealand and Europe, India and
                                                                                           South-East Asia via Singapore. The
                                                                                           partnership also includes revenue
                                                                                           sharing and coordination of capacity
                                                                                           and pricing.
                                                                                            INDUSTRY NEWS
                                                                                           CHC Helicopter has won a five-year
                                                                                           contract to provide flights in Western
                                                                                           Australia’s Pilbara for four resources
                                                                                           companies. The contract covers
                                                                                           passenger transfer, medical evacuation
                                                                                           and search-and-rescue services for
                                                                                           BHP, Jadestone Energy, Vermilion
                                                                                           Energy and Woodside in WA’s North
                                                                                           West Shelf and North West Cape out
                                                                                           of Karratha, Learmonth and Onslow
                                                                                           airports. Two AW139 and two AW189
                                                                                           helicopters will be used to service the
                                                                                           contract that is due to commence in
                                                                                           July 2019.
                                                                                           An Australian Transport Safety
                                                                                           Bureau (ATSB) investigation has
                                                                                           found the pilot flying a Beechcraft
                                                                                           B200 Super King Air that crashed
                                                                                           shortly after takeoff at Melbourne
                                                                                           Essendon Airport in February 2017,
                                                                                           killing all five on board, had the
                                                                                           aircraft’s rudder trim in the wrong
                                                                                           position at takeoff. The King Air
                                                                                           VH-ZCR was operating a private
                                                                                           charter flight to King Island in
                                                                                           Tasmania. “The ATSB found that
                                                                                           the pilot did not detect that the
                                                                                           aircraft’s rudder trim was in the full
                                                                                           nose-left position prior to takeoff,”
                                                                                           the ATSB report said. “The position
                                                                                           of the rudder trim resulted in a loss
                                                                                           of directional control and had a
                                                                                           significant impact on the aircraft’s
                                                                                           climb performance in the latter part of
                                                                                           the flight.”

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