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What is Bubble Tea?
A Newcomer So what is bubble tea? From the
name, one might think of bubble tea
You’ve just recognized your high as, well, bubbling tea! However,
school friend passing by in the the drink doesn’t bubble at all, and
street. You run up, say hi, it may not always have a tea base.
exchange a warm hug or Bubble tea, or "boba", consists of
handshake, and laugh about the tea, coffee, milk, or fruit bases with
strange coincidence of bumping delicious, tapioca pearls settled at
into each other. You want to the bottom of the drink (Daily
catch up with your friend about Meal). There are usually two forms
their co-op term or their studies of bubble tea bases: a light fruity
and want to arrange a meeting. drink or a milk-tea based
One might suggest getting a cup combination. The tapioca
of coffee for this casual meeting, accompanies the base by adding a
but bubble tea chains around the soft, chewy texture. The
world are hoping you’ll change combination of the two components
your mind and grab these trendy, creates a unique sensory experience
delicious drinks. which is unlike any other drink.