Page 21 - Revista FRONTAL Edição Especial iMed 12.0
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Professor Haruhiro Inoue is a Professor Since 2014 and until present times,
and Chairman at the Digestive Diseases Professor Haruhiro is a Professor and Di-
Center in Showa University Koto Toyo- rector of the Digestive diseases center in
su Hospital in Japan. He is a Graduate in Showa University Koto-Toyosu Hospital.
Medicine from the Yamaguchi University Regarding some of Professor Hahuhi-
School of Medicine, from 1977 to 1983. ro’s credentials, he is a member of the Jap-
After obtained his Medical Degree, anese National Board of General surgery
Professor Haruhiro began his Residency in since April 1987, member of the Japanese
General Surgery in the First Department National Board of Digestive Surgery (June
Surgery at Tokyo Medical and Dental Uni- 1990) and Digestive Medicine (December
versity until 1984. At this time Professor 1991). In 1991, Professor Inoue got his PhD
Inoue started his residency in Cardiovas- from Tokyo Medical and Dental University.
cular surgery in Metropolitan Hiroo Hospi- Since 2006 he is an Honorary member of
tal and his residency of Anesthesiology in ASGE and a Permanent Scientific Com-
Kudanza Hospital. mitee Member of OESO (International Or-
From 1985 to 1995, Professor Haruhi- ganization for statistical studies on diseas-
ro became part of the Staff of the First es of esophagus) since 2007.
Department of Surgery in Tokyo Medical Professor Haruhiro is a Fellow member
and Dental University, the Staff of the De- of ASGE American Society of Gastrointes-
partment of Surgery and this same de- tinal Endoscopy (FASGE) and a Honorary
partment in another hospital, the Tama- Member of Russian Society of Endoscopy.
gawa Hospital. In 2006 he was awarded with a Crys-
Professor Inoue became the Chief tal Award from de ASGE (American Soci-
of the Endoscopic Surgery from 1993 to ety of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy), in 2011
In 2008 he performed the world’s first
1995. This is one of the areas of the De- received the Pioneer in Endoscopy Award
clinical case of Per-Oral Endoscopic Myot-
partment of Surgery in Tokyo Medical from de SAGES (Society of American Gas-
omy (POEM), and to this date, he has treat-
and Dental University. trointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons).
ed more than 1400 achalasia patients with
His activity as an Assistant Professor Professor Inoue is a world-renowned
the POEM procedure.
began in 2001 at Showa University Nothern surgeon and endoscopist.
In 2014 he reported the endoscopic
Yokohama Hospital and lasts until 2002. Dr. Inoue’s clinical achievements are
removal of a submucosal tumor using a
Since 2002, Professor Haruhiro is an Asso- numerous. In 1993 he developed a tech-
POEM-like procedure. His publications
ciate Professor in this same Institution. nique (cap-EMR) that simplified the per-
have a combined impact factor of more
From 2009 to 2014, he was a Professor formance of Endoscopic Mucosal Resec-
than 500.
at Showa University, School of Medicine tion (EMR) and in 2000 he reported the
Showa University International training world’s first EMR for Barrett’s intramu-
center for Endoscopy (SUITES). cosal cancer.
"In 1993 he developed a technique (cap-EMR) that simplified the performance of
Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) and in 2000 he reported the world’s first
EMR for Barrett’s intramucosal cancer."