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                    JAN DEPREST MD, PHD, FRCOG


                                                                                       JOÃO GONÇALVES

           Professor Jan Deprest was born in 15th   His work regards also the develop-  His research and clinical work has giv-
        of February of 1960. Is a graduate in Med-  ment of instruments and operations in   en important contributions to the devel-
        icine, in the year of 1985 of the Katholieke   the field of fetal therapy, applied research   opment of instruments and techniques
        Universiteitin (KU) Leuven in Belgium.   in biomechanics for pelvic floor medicine.  for minimally invasive fetal and placental
           From 1985 to 1991 Professor Jan spe-  Professor Deprest is the Head of the   diagnosis and surgery, namely in congen-
        cialized  in  Obstetrics  and Gynaecology   programme of Fetal Therapy University   ital diaphragmatic hernia and in “twin-to-
        where he got his license in 1991 in the   Hospitals Leuven, a large referral centres   twin transfusion syndrome” context.
        same University.                    for diagnostic tests and procedures, per-  Professor Deprest current personal
           Four years later (1995), also at KU in Leu-  forming over 200 invasive therapeutic pro-  research lines are fetal congenital dia-
        ven, he got his PhD. Since 2012 Professor   cedures. He is also the Co-Director of the   phragmatic  hernia  and  spina  bifida  re-
        Jan Deprest is a Fellow of the Royal College   PELVIC FLOOR Programme, with Professor   pair, in utero fetal gene & stem cell ther-
        of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.  D.  Dr  Ridder,  a  programme  dedicated  to   apy, sealing of fetal membranes, and
           At the present time, Professor Deprest   urogynocology ultrasound and research.  reconstructive surgery of pelvic floor.
        teaches Obstetrics and Gynaecology in   Jan Deprest is also the Director of
        the Faculty of Medicine (KU Leuven) and   the Centre for Surgical Technologies, an
        University Hospitals Leuven.        endoscopic training center for specialist
           At the University Hospitals Leuven he   trainees in surgery or Ob/Gyn. Personal
        is  the  Director  Inter-Departmental  Cen-  research lines are fetal lower urinary tract
        tre for Surgical Technologies and a Con-  obstruction, congenital diaphragmatic
        sultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.   hernia and sealing of fetal membranes.
        Professor Deprest is the Director of Fetal   Professor Deprest is the Academic
        Therapy in the Programme of Fetal Medi-  Chair of the newly established depart-
        cine. He also assumed the Co-direction of   ment of Development and Regeneration,
        the Programme of Urogynaecology with   that groups all the research and teaching
        Dirk De Riddler.                    activities  of the  clinical  departments of
           Until 2011, Professor Jan Deprest   Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pediatrics,
        was the Academic Chair Department of   Neonatology, Urology, Orthopedics and
        Woman and Child. From 2012 to 2017 he   Abdominal Surgery.
        assumed  the Department  of Develop-   Regarding his work, Professor Jan is
        ment and Regeneration, both depart-  the Editor in Chief in the journal Gynae-
        ments at the Faculty of Medicine KU Leu-  cologic Surgery (2013) an international
        ven in Belgium.                     editorial board of BJOG.
           His  scientific  activities  rely  on  the   He was awarded with the Prize of the
        publication of more than 400 peer-re-  Royal academy of Medicine of Belgium.
        viewed  papers  in  scientific  journals  and   Professor Deprest is Fellow ad Eu-
        more than 80 book chapters. Professor   ndem of the Royal College of Obstetri-
        Deprest is also the supervisor of more   cians and Gynaecologists (UK) and Mem-
        than 20 doctoral students in research in   ber of the Dutch Society of Obstetrics
        fetal medicine or pelvic floor medicine.  and Gynaecology.

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