Page 24 - Revista FRONTAL Edição Especial iMed 12.0
P. 24
Professor Fátima Serrano is a Portu-
guese Medical Doctor, with a specializa-
tion in Obstetrics and a subspecialization
in Maternal Health (Maternidade Alfredo
da Costa). She is also an invited assistant
in NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de
Ciências Médicas, where she also studied
Medicine, and a researcher in the Compre-
hensive Health Research Centre (CHRC).
Dr Serrano has also a Masters degree in
Her contributions to the field of Ma-
ternal-Fetal health in Portugal are varied
and numerous. Firstly, she was part of the
direction board of the Portuguese Society
of Feto-Maternal Medicine Society, a post
she left in 2016. Furthermore, Dr. Serrano
works as a Consultant of Obstetrics & Gy-
naecology and Coordinator of the Recur-
rent Miscarriage and Autoimmune Diseas-
es Clinic at Maternity Dr Alfredo da Costa,
in addition of being the Head of the De-
partment of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at
Nova Medical School.
Regarding her research, she has pub-
lished articles in the field of autoimmune
diseases (such as Antiphospholipid Syn-
drome and Systemic Lupus Erythema-
tosus), and their relationship with preg-
nancy. She has also studied recurrent
miscarriage (being the head of the study
group GEMF), thrombosis and pregnancy
and uterine electromyography. Besides
her vast roll of publications, Dr Serrano is
an Associate Editor of Acta Obstetrica e
Ginecológica Portuguesa, the Portuguese
journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Moreover, she is a Board Member of to-Maternal Medicine of the Portuguese of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and a great
the Federation of the Portuguese Socie- Medical Board, coordinating the training speaker to introduce you to a vast world
ties of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and and specialization of future obstetricians. yet to explore, and to the speakers of this
the President of the Subspecialty on Fe- As such, Dr Serrano is one of the most group of Lectures.
important Portuguese Doctors in the field
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