Page 4 - Tidings 2018-19
P. 4
Message from the Trustees
On behalf of team of Trustees, I am greatly honored to welcome the returning students
as well the new joinees to Diya school. How exciting to see all of you, I am sure you all are
eager to get into the new academic year as well and learn new things and meet new
and old friends.
Time and again debate centers around the quality of education and the role school
should play. At Diya we believe, education with cultural values and life skill lessons to be
of immense importance. Extending the understanding that each child is born to be differ-
ent and thus needs to be nurtured and developed at the pace at which child can learn
would be a great service to them. Several slow learners or differently enabled children
need specific help. Diya is going all out to garner support from highly qualified places
such as Spastic society of India to extend a helping hand to those slow learners at Diya.
Our focus in the coming year is going to center around educating for skills and
knowledge and taking every child forward towards the march of the progress. All our
team members are focused on generating the right kind of skills and values amongst all
students and preparing them to face the world beyond Diya as and when they are ready
to step out. However, we would not be able to accomplish much unless all parents sup-
port and participate fully. We need you to take interest in your child’s work and share
his/her concerns with us on a regular basis. We are confident the value addition they take
with them shall be rewarding for years to come.
Ms. Rohini Shah