Page 5 - Tidings 2018-19
P. 5

Learning Beyond Classrooms

                It takes Home, School, and a community to bring up a child. It all starts with the home
                where all the learning interaction begins, schools facilitate further and community adds
                experienced learning. At Diya, our teachers are constantly striving to innovate learning
                process combining all the above to groom children as they go out to explore the world.
                When  children  come  home  every  day,  they  have  exciting  stories  to  tell,  It  could  be
                about what happened in class, with their friends, some construction, and development
                at DIYA or addition of computers in computers lab. the list never ends . Give them the
                time they deserve every day for them to share their day's experience at DIYA. There is a
                whole lot of investment happening at DIYA and while you come to know from periodi-
                cal release from newsletters, it will be exciting for children if you listen to them.
                The  second  level  of  education  starts  with  your  participation  by  volunteering  and  of
                course  before  this  showing  up  for  every  opportunity  for  interaction  at  school  where
                painstakingly Academic team elaborates on what they are doing to improve delivera-
                bles at school. Show up, understand, participate and question and beyond this, if there
                is any contribution you can make volunteer.
                The next level of education comes from the community  and the African proverb " It
                takes a village to bring up a child " is still relevant today except for that village now is
                GLOBAL and INTERNET is the large community. There is so much to explore and learn
                from what is happening around the globe. While school is doing a great job with ISA
                certification preparing children to be global citizens, it is also important for parents to
                be aware of developments and discuss with children particularly those who are in high
                schools, they do understand current affairs, have their own opinion need some guidance
                to fine tune their understanding.
                Inspire children with great stories of  Greta Thunberg from SWEDEN, aged 15 is protest-
                ing about the need for immediate action to combat climate change to save this planet .

                Ritesh Agarwal from INDIA who at the age of 17 started budget hotel " OYO" based on
                his  own  personal  experience  of  not  getting  information  on  good  hotels  when  he  was
                traveling to small places In a matter of 8 years this company has gone global including
                CHINA and valued in billions

                Shravan  Kumar  and  Sanjay  Kumar  Age  15  and  17,  siblings  are  the  brain  behind
                "GODIMENSIONS" APP developing company that works on Andoird and IOS applica-
                tions. Their aim is to develop a simple technological solution for the digital world. They
                are the youngest Mobile Application Developers in INDIA  and from their own acknowl-
                edgment, they achieved this by " reading books and solving problems givenn to them"

                I will end this with this from Mark Twain

                I have never let my schooling interfere with my Education .... Mark Twain

                Babu Rao,
                Admin Manager
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