Page 7 - Tidings 2018-19
P. 7
Message from the Vice Principal
Today, the role of a school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and
empower its students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and productive members of an ev-
er-changing global society. Now we need to focus on preparing our students with skills required
to survive in 21 century. As we all hear many of the top rated jobs in world were not even exist-
ing a decade back and at much greater pace we are moving. Hence we have to prepare our
students with those skills which we are not aware of, and for those opportunities which we can’t
even imagine. So this gives a bigger responsibility on all stakeholders of the education field.
We at Diya believe in making our students adaptable, capable and independent in their lives
so that they get ready to face any challenges that come across in their lives. As a part of it we
always strive to bring in many exciting and challenging arenas where they get an opportunity
to try their best potential in them. Well-planned classroom activities keeping the pace of multi-
ple intelligence and various learning styles was always welcomed by our students. Addition of
News in education, Young Engineer’s programme, life skill activities etc are all adds on in their
holistic development.
Last year, we were thrilled to experience the global exposure through various activities planned
in ISA programme and I am extremely happy to inform you all that we have received the ISA
award from British Council with special appreciation from the jury members. This is just a begin-
ning and many more miles to be crossed. As always, parents are our support in all the new ven-
tures included in every year’s annual planner.
Let us not forget, connecting home and school makes us a great community of learners. Wishing
you all the best for one more year of exciting journey…..
Veena Anil