Page 6 - Tidings 2018-19
P. 6
“Education is the key which We can use to change the world”
India has always cherished a glorious heritage in the sphere of education. Educa-
tion plays the most important role in shaping the personality and future of a per-
son, which, in turn is elementary in socio-economic development of a nation.
Educational scenario of India is marked by a certain ‘ritual’ of students been
forced into certain stream, though not all have a tilt towards it. Instead from the
very beginning, capabilities of each student should be judged and should be led
into the stream worthy for him. Parents should understand that a child having an
aptitude of Picasso cannot be groomed into Newton. The world is changing, and
in order to prepare our children for this new world we need to change the way we
educate them. Schools in the 21st century will become nerve centers, a place for
teachers and students to connect with those around them and their community. It
has also reformed the role of parents from being mere supporters to being active
participants in their child’s learning.
The 21st century is marked by complexity and rapid change and parenting needs
to respond accordingly. One thing that can never change is that parents are their
child’s first and most important teachers. Children need their parents to be the
wise teachers given the skills they need to develop. Parents need to realize that
for their children to meet their visions of success as adults, they are going to need
some sophisticated skills, which are not limited to the technology skills needed at
work. Today’s young people will need to be thinkers, able to recognize problems
and opportunities, understand the complex and varied systems in which those
problems and opportunities exist, weigh the pros and cons of potential solutions,
and proceed wisely with enacting their decisions. The job of parenting is not made
any easier by the generational gap that exists between parents and their techno-
logical savvy children.
Diya will and always strive to give the best possible resources and learning envi-
ronment for our children to grow up to be confident, well-rounded individuals,
empowered to learn and change as they need and desire, and ready to embrace
or adapt to the change the 21st century will bring.
Ms. Usha Menon,