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Let’s say you take the same route to work every day. Then, one morning, there’s an accident.
Your normal route is blocked, and you have to change your regular route. You still get to work on
time that day, but you got there via a different path. You were forced to change something that had
worked in the past but was not working now. I started thinking…why should destination weight loss
be any different?
Is willpower the only road to reach our goal of weight loss or any fitness goal for that matter?
The answer is a resounding, no! Scientists have discovered that relying on willpower as your only tool
for weight loss is flawed. They have uncovered through evidence-based research that there are many
tools one should use to be successful.
Do what you envision your “better self” doing. That is one way for you to become a better
version of yourself. One thing I did was visualize my future self and ask, "What would he do?" Some
days I did not feel like taking that jog or going to the gym. Other days, I was tempted to give in to the
urge to eat one of my favorite desserts--a Boston cream donut. Most of the time, the desire would
come not from the smell, but merely sight. However, during those moments, I would stop and ask
myself, "What would my future self – the one that is 25 pounds lighter – choose to do at this moment?
What foods would my future self be eating right now?" And then I would imagine "him" and let my
mind linger at that moment. I used imagery in this way as a catalyst in helping me mentally and
physically stay the course to shed those pounds.
Another road I took that was effective in my weight loss journey was changing the way I
viewed my weight loss journey. I refused to adopt a self-deprivation mindset. If we are spending so
much energy focusing on things we cannot eat, we will eventually view the whole journey as a chore
and find the nearest exit so-to-speak sooner or later.
Instead of thinking of all the foods that you cannot eat, think of all the foods that you can!
Get on social media and discover all the delicious healthy recipes that you can prepare. For me, this
visual stimulation kept me engaged and motivated. I was able to explore my creativity when it came
to designing my meals, and I was able to find joy in losing weight.