Page 121 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 121
Transfer payments to all organisations other than public entities
The table below reflects the transfer payments made for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021
Transfer Payments Type of organisation Purpose for which the funds were used Did the dept. Amount Amount Reasons for the funds unspent by the entity
comply with transferred spent by the
s 38 (1) (j) of (R’000) entity
the PFMA (R’000)
South African Older Non-profit Advocate for the promotion and Yes 1 722 1 080 Unspent funds will be utilised to finalise
Persons Forum Organisation protection of the rights of older persons, agreed activities during the first quarter of
facilitate the establishment of older the 2021/22 financial year.
persons ward forums and provide
continuous support to provincial Older
Persons Forums.
National Institute Non-profit To provide accredited training to care Yes 1 393 2 218 Expenditure includes funds rolled over from
Community Organisation givers caring for older persons and to the 2019/20 financial year.
Unspent funds will be utilised to finalise
Development and provide mentoring to trained care givers.
agreed activities until May 2021.
The strengthening, supporting and Yes 877 737 Expenditure includes expenditure on funds
Families and Marriage Non-profit preserving of families through research, rolled over from the 2019/20 financial year.
Society South Africa Organisation transformed and sustainable services and Unspent funds will be utilised to finalise
programmes. agreed activities until September 2021.
For the strengthening, supporting and Yes 883 839 Expenditure relates to funds rolled over from
Suid Afrikaanse Vroue Non-profit preserving of families through research, the 2019/20 financial year.
Federasie Organisation transformed and sustainable services and Unspent funds will be utilised to finalise
programmes. agreed activities until March 2022.
Humana People to Non-profit Rendering of prevention and intervention Yes 1 337 1 347 Expenditure includes funds rolled over from
the 2019/20 financial year.
People South Africa Organisation services to orphans and vulnerable
Unspent funds will be utilised to finalise
agreed activities until September 2021.