Page 122 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 122
Transfer payments to all organisations other than public entities
The table below reflects the transfer payments made for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021
Transfer Payments Type of Purpose for which the funds were used Did the dept. Amount Amount Reasons for the funds unspent by the entity
organisation comply with transferred spent by the
s 38 (1) (j) of (R’000) entity
the PFMA (R’000)
Suid Afrikaanse Non-Profit Coordinating and monitoring the transformation Yes 1 228 763 Unspent funds will be utilised to finalise
Vroue Federasie Organisation of services in accordance with legislative agreed activities until September 2021.
frameworks, specifically the Children’s Act, in
order to ensure compliance and to conduct
capacity building on the legislative and policy
framework for children and other critical child
protection delivery services.
AFM Executive Non-Profit Facilitate transformation of services in Yes 1 005 592 Unspent funds will be utilised to finalise
Welfare Council Organisation accordance with the Children’s Act. agreed activities until October 2021.
Afrikaanse Non-Profit Coordinating and monitoring the transformation Yes 871 450 Unspent funds will be utilised to finalise
Christelike Vroue Organisation of services in accordance with legislative agreed activities until November 2021.
Federasie frameworks, specifically the Children’s Act, in
order to ensure compliance and to conduct
capacity building on the legislative and policy
framework for children and other critical child
protection delivery services.
Childline South Non-Profit Coordinating and monitoring the transformation Yes 1 631 624 Unspent funds will be utilised to finalise
Africa Organisation of services in accordance with legislative agreed activities until September 2021.
frameworks, specifically the Children’s Act, in
order to ensure compliance and to conduct
capacity building on the legislative and policy
framework for children and other critical child
protection delivery services.