Page 125 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 125



          Transfer payments to international organisations

                                                                                   Purpose for which the  Amount
          Name of transferee      Type of organisation                             funds were to be used  transferred   Reasons why funds were not
                                                                                                      (R’000)        transferred
          United Nations           Annual contribution                              25                25
          International Drug Control
                                                                                                                     National Treasury was requested to confirm
          International Labour     A contribution for technical assistance support on design,   2 500  0             classification of this arrangement with the ILO in
          Organisation (ILO)       financial analysis, institutional and regulatory framework                         terms of Circular 21 and it was classified as goods and
                                   and implementation plan for the comprehensive social                              services; thus payment could not be made as a
                                   security reform in South Africa.                                                  transfer payment. The funds are to be shifted to
                                                                                                                     goods and services in the new financial year.

          LEAD-SEA                 Support the work of LEAD-SEA in particular collaboration   300     0              Contract not extended. Funds to be shifted to goods
                                   on population programmes capacity building on the                                 and services.
                                   linkages between population, environment, climate change
                                   and development for government.

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