Page 124 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 124



            Transfer payments to international organisations

          Name of transferee       Type of organisation                              Purpose for which the funds were to  Amount transferred   Reasons why funds were not
                                                                                     be used                       (R’000)           transferred

          International Social Security   Affiliate membership fees                      1 865                        1 431           Savings related to foreign currency
          Association                                                                                                                translation.

          International Federation for   Annual Contribution                            25                           15              Payment based on contribution
          the Aged                                                                                                                   invoice.

          International Social Services   Annual Contribution to the ISS Resource Center and annual   405            314             Savings related to foreign currency
          (ISS)                    Membership fees to the ISS in Geneva Switzerland.                                                 translation.

          Walvisbay                Subsidise the social work post of the Kerklike Maatskaplike Raad   425            291             Transfer payment has been deferred
                                   organisation and the residence of South African Citizens in the                                   until discussions are finalised
                                   House of Palms Old Age Home in Walvis Bay.                                                        between the Department, Western
                                                                                                                                     Cape Social Development which
                                                                                                                                     administers the transfer payment and
                                                                                                                                     the Government of Namibia to agree
                                                                                                                                     on an end date of the arrangement.

          Partners in Population and   The South African Government is affiliated to the Partners in   1 041          1 012           Savings related to foreign currency
          Development              Population and Development through the National Department of                                     translation.
                                   Social Development.
          International Organisations of   Membership fees.                             106                          104             Foreign currency translation.
          Pension Supervisors

          United Nations Population   Annual Contribution                               626                          626
          Fund (UNFPA)

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