Page 138 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 138



            8. Early Childhood Development Conditional Grant: North West Province

            Department/ Municipality to whom          North West Provincial Department of Social Development
            the grant has been transferred
            Purpose of the grant                         •   To increase the number of children from poor communities accessing subsidised ECD services through centre-based ECD services.
                                                         •   To support ECD providers delivering an ECD programme to meet requirements for registration.
                                                         •   To pilot the construction of new low cost ECD centres.
                                                         •   To provide support to ECD services workforce as part of the Presidential Employment Initiative.
                                                         •   To support ECD providers delivering an ECD programme to meet the basic health and safety requirements for registration.
            Expected outputs of the grant             Subsidy
                                                         •   To increase the number of poor children benefitting from the ECD Subsidy for 264 days per annum,
                                                         •   Increase in the number of ECD workforce benefitting from the Presidential employment stimulus package (unemployment risk
                                                                 support and top-up payment to take on additional duties as compliance support officers),
                                                         •   To upgrade and increase the number of conditionally registered ECD centres to full registration.
                                                         •   To increase the number of ECD facilities provided with standard hygiene and sanitation support package,
            Actual outputs achieved                   Subsidy
                                                         •   12 863 children benefitted from the subsidy grant.
                                                         •   861 benefitted from the top-up portion of the subsidy grant.
                                                         •   Infrastructure projects for the 2020/21 financial year were deferred to the following year due to Covid-19.
                                                         •   236 ECD centres were provided hygiene and sanitation support packages.
                                                         •   Four personnel were successfully appointed on contract.
            Amount per amended DORA (R’000)           110 605
            Amount transferred   (R’000)              110 605
            Reasons if amount as per DORA not transferred  N/A
            Amount spent by the department/ municipality (R’000)  40 674
            Reasons for the funds unspent by the entity  The reasons for the funds that were not spent are indicated as follows:
                                                         •   ECD centres were closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
                                                         •   Exclusion of nutrition on the subsidy payment in line with Clause 14.2.1 of the SLA due to absence of child attendance.
                                                         •   Delays in procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) due to impact of Covid-19 on availability of personnel to process
                                                                 requests for services.
                                                         •   Payment batches and approvals from the Central Applications Office for the Presidential ECD Employment Stimulus Relief Fund
                                                                  received 7 days before the financial system closed.
            Monitoring mechanism by the transferring department  The Department uses monthly, quarterly and in-year monitoring reports.

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