Page 142 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 142


           DONOR FUNDS

            Table 3: Criminal Asset Recovery Account:  Services to Victims Of Crime

            Name of donor                                 Criminal Asset Recovery Account (CARA)

            Full amount of the funding                   R50 000 000
            Period of the commitment                     October 2017 - March 2022
            Purpose of the funding                       Provision of financial assistance to institutions rendering services to victims of crime.
            Expected outputs                             Improved access to care, support and prevention services, and interventions through strengthened support for those involved in response
                                                         and prevention, including civil society stakeholders.
            Actual outputs achieved                      Improved access to justice for victims of crime.
                                                         The CARA project is being implemented in partnership with the National Development Agency (NDA). The total of R45 million has been
                                                         transferred to NDA for implementing this project. The total of R20 million was transferred to 169 Civil Society Organisations as first
                                                         tranche payment. The process of performance monitoring and evaluation is underway and the total of 67 of these funded Civil Society
                                                         Organisations have been paid second tranches to the value of R8,7 million. This means that a total of R28,7 million has been transferred
                                                         to Civil Society Organisations for this project.

                                                         NDA has advertised the call for proposals for appointment of mentoring and coaching service providers. The total value of this tender is
                                                         R5 million mentoring and coaching for emerging Civil Society Organisations.
            Amount received in current period (R’000)    50 000
            Amount spent by the department (R’000)       28 700
            Reasons for the funds unspent                Funds are expected to be spent in the next financial year.
             Monitoring mechanism by the donor           Monthly reports to the Donor.

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