Page 145 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 145


           DONOR FUNDS

            Table 1: DG Murray Trust

             Name of donor                                The DG Murray Trust

             Full amount of the funding                    The amount is not specified in the agreement
             Period of the commitment                      01 October 2017 - 31 March 2021
             Purpose of the funding                        Improving the effectiveness of the ECD Conditional Grant Implementation.
             Expected outputs                                •    Provide technical support and advice for effective implementation of the ECD Conditional Grant.
                                                             •    Development of electronic management system.
                                                             •    Finalisation of the Financing Strategy and Subsidy Guidelines.
                                                             •    Management of the pilot of the registration framework.
                                                             •    Development of quality assurance and support system.
                                                             •    Develop model for ECD workforce.
             Actual outputs achieved                         •    Framework for Quality Assurance Support developed.
                                                             •    Draft quality indictors (standards) developed.
                                                             •    Draft model for ECD workforce is being finalised.
                                                             •    QAIS Framework was developed.
                                                             •    Scoping delivery workforce.
                                                             •    Conducted the verification process on applicants for ECD stimulus relief package and site visits to ECD services
                                                                      that applied for ECD stimulus package.
                                                             •    Provided support to the ECD operators during ECD Stimulus package registration.
                                                             •    Developed web-based application system.
                                                             •    Established and maintained a functional call centre line for ECD Stimulus Package inquiries.
             Amount received in current period (R’000)     1 015
             Amount spent by the department (R’000)        1 015
             Reasons for the funds unspent                 N/A
             Monitoring mechanism by the donor             Holding of regular meetings.
                                                           Monitoring of output through reports.

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