Page 144 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 144


           DONOR FUNDS

            Table 5: USAID

            Name of donor                                 USAID

            Full amount of the funding                   $8 000 000
            Period of the commitment                     01 October 2019 - 30 September 2024
            Purpose of the funding                       Implementation of Government-to-Government (G2G) project. The goal of the project is to strengthen DSD’s capacity to scale-up the
                                                         implementation of primary prevention of sexual violence and HIV activities among children and youth and reduce incidence of HIV and
                                                         AIDS through Social and Behaviour Change programs (SBC). This is done using the HIV prevention program “YOLO” (You only live once) for
                                                         15 - 24 year olds, Young YOLO - CHOMMY - (10-14 year olds) and other gender-based violence and HIV prevention interventions for
                                                         children and youth. These SBC programs focus on empowering young people with knowledge and skills to prevent and reduce risky sexual
                                                         behaviours for South African youth; and link them to the 95-95-95 clinical cascade.

            Expected outputs                                 •   Provision of quality core package of services to 30 000 vulnerable children in eThekwini, Ekurhuleni and City of Johannesburg.
                                                             •   Capacity building of facilitators to implement YOLO and ChommY HIV prevention programmes.
                                                             •   NOPs Selected to implement G2G Project.

            Actual outputs achieved                          •   Provision of core package of services to 16 000 vulnerable children in Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal.
                                                             •   Assessment of beneficiaries to facilitate the 95-95-95 initiative (95% knowing HIV positive status; 95% put on treatment; 95%
                                                                   of those on treated viral load to be suppressed).
                                                             •   Selection process of NPOs to implement G2G project in Gauteng.
                                                             •   Developed project Implementation strategy in line with level 1 lockdown regulations.
                                                             •   Conducting Routine Data Quality Assessments for data reported at end of Year 1.
                                                             •   Continuous Project Data Capturing on CBIMS database.
                                                             •   Annual report development and submission.
                                                             •   An amount of R10 921 457 has been advanced to PACT SA to assist with administration of the project; i.e., appointment of
                                                                    facilitators and project management staff, procurement of goods and services related to the project as well as capital assets at
                                                                    the end of March 2021.
                                                         As at 31 March 2021, PACT SA has spent an amount of R7 167 005.8. Expenditure to be recognized in DSDs records once a signed off
                                                         report has been received from PACT SA.

            Amount received in current period (R’000)    12 714
            Amount spent by the department (R’000)       2 433
            Reasons for the funds unspent                The funds that were not spent are due to the delays in appointing the NPOs to implement the G2G project.
            Monitoring mechanism by the donor            Quarterly reporting to Donor and Steering Committee meetings.

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