Page 141 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 141


           DONOR FUNDS

              Table 2: Criminal Asset Recovery Account: Provision of Victim Empowerment Services

              Name of donor                                 Criminal Asset Recovery Account (CARA)

              Full amount of the funding                   R26 000 000
              Period of the commitment                     01 July 2012 - March 2016
              Purpose of the funding                       To improve victim empowerment services by providing capacity building and funding to emerging organisations and shelters.
              Expected outputs                                •  Funding and capacity building of CSOs that provide services to victims of crime.
                                                              •  Funding to shelters for victims of crime and vulnerable groups.

              Actual outputs achieved                      The Department continued to monitor funded Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the Victim Empowerment Programme sector.
              Amount received in current period (R’000)    R255
              Amount spent by the department (R’000)       0
              Reasons for the funds unspent                Remaining funds will be used for continued monitoring and project close-out in the 2021/22 financial year.
              Monitoring mechanism by the donor            Quarterly reports to the Donor.

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