Page 143 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 143


           DONOR FUNDS

            Table 4: Criminal Asset Recovery Account: Gender-Based Violence and Femicide

            Name of donor                                 Criminal Asset Recovery Account (CARA)

             Full amount of the funding                   R50 000 000
             Period of the commitment                     December 2019 - March 2022
             Purpose of the funding                       Supporting services to victims of Gender-Based Violence and Femicide.
             Expected outputs                                •  Improved access to justice for victims of crime and violence including survivors of Gender-Based Violence
                                                             •  A better-informed public about laws, rights and responsibilities underpinned by a public education campaign around survivor’s rights
                                                               (women, children and LGBTQI persons) under the law, challenging the use and acceptability of GBV, patriarchy and related forms of
                                                               discrimination and inequalities.
                                                             •  Increased access to economic opportunities that set out to meaningfully address women’s social and economic vulnerability.

             Actual outputs achieved                      Total of 105 Civil Society Organisations have been funded for providing services to victims of Gender-Based Violence and R17,3 million has
                                                          been transferred to these Civil Society Organisations as first tranche payment.

             Amount received in current period (R’000)    50 000

             Amount spent by the department (R’000)       The amount of R50 million has been transferred to the National Development Agency for funding of qualifying CSOs. At the end of the
                                                          financial year, an amount of R17,3 million had been paid to funded CSOs.

             Reasons for the funds unspent                Funds are expected to be spent in the next financial year.

             Monitoring mechanism by the donor            Quarterly reports to the Donor.

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