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             Members  of  the  Bid  Committees  (Specification,   meeting. All suppliers and service providers are required
             Evaluation and Adjudication) are required to declare their   to submit a signed Declaration of Interest Form (Standard
             interests  at  the  commencement  of  every  meeting.   Bidding Document 4) indicating whether they have any
             Members  who  declare  their  conflict  of  interest  are   interest when doing business with the State.
             required to recuse themselves from participating in the

           5: CODE OF CONDUCT

             The Department uses the Code of Conduct for the Public   The Department has established the Ethic Committee and
             Service as developed by the Public Service Commission.   has  conducted  workshops  on  ethics.  Through  HCM,  the
             The Code of Conduct is a guideline to employees as to   Department facilitated that all its SMS members should
             what is expected of them from an ethical point of view,   attend  the  Ethics  Course  designed  and  offered  by  the
             both in their individual conduct and in their relationship   National School of Government. The Department is also
             with  others.  It  guides  officials  on  how  to  conduct   developing the Ethics Strategy.
             themselves  in  the  workplace.  The  Department  officials
             generally comply with the Code of Conduct,  and should   The  following  reports  are  produced  by  the  Department
             it  be  found  that  an  official  is  in  breach  of  the  Code  of   and are submitted to relevant stakeholders:
             Conduct, disciplinary action (formal and/ or progressive
             discipline) are taken against them.                 •  Annual Financial Disclosure for the employees;
                                                                 •  Bi-annually  report  on  grievances,  submitted  to
             The process to follow for the breach of Code of       Public Service Commission;
             Conduct                                             •  FOSAD  quarterly  reports  are  submitted  on
                                                                   disciplinary, disputes and grievances to Department
                                                                   of Public Service and Administration (DPSA);
             If a rule is broken, the Manager of the official concerned,   •  Annual  report  submitted  regarding  employees
             should  invoke  an  Audi  Alteram-Partem  Rule  (i.e.,  which   conducting  business  with  State  and  those
             means nobody should be condemned unheard), in which   conducting business outside Public Services;
             a letter shall be issued to afford the official to respond to
             the alleged transgression. Depending on the nature of the
             transgression  and  based  on  the  official’s  response,  a
             decision  is  taken  as  to  whether  formal  disciplinary  or
             progressive  disciplinary  steps  should  be  instituted
             against such official.

             Introduction                                      Health and Safety Committee

             The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No.85   The  Acting  Director  General  (ADG)  has  reconstituted  a
             of  1993),  requires  the  employer  to  bring  about  and   new  Health  and  Safety  Committee  comprised  of  senior
             maintain,  as  far  as  reasonably  practicable,  a  work   managers, middle managers and junior staff. This was to
             environment that is safe and without risk to the health of   ensure the appointment of members who will serve the
             the workers. The Act require both the employers and the   interest  of  all  employees  as  far  as  health  and  safety
             workers to take responsibility for health and safety. This   matters are concerned. The functioning of this Committee
             is  addressed  through  the  principle  that  dangers  in  the   was  a  key  requirement  in  terms  of  COVID-19  protocols
             workplace  must  be  addressed  by  communication  and   across  all  government  departments.  Various  branches
             cooperation between the workers and the employer. Both   were   invited   to   nominate   Health   and   Safety
             parties  must  pro-actively  identify  dangers  and  develop   Representatives  for  the  Health  and  Safety  Committee.
             control measures to make the workplace safe. In this way,   The  Health  and  Safety  Representatives  were  formally
             the employer and the workers are involved in a system   appointed  in  January  2021.  The  Committee  meets  to
             where health and safety representatives may inspect the   initiate,  promote,  maintain  and  review  measures  of
             workplace  regularly  and  then  report  to  a  health  and   ensuring  the  Occupational  Health  and  Safety  in  the
             safety   committee,   who   in   turn   may   submit   Department.
             recommendations to the employer. The Department has a
             revised Occupational Health and Safety Policy which was
             approved by MANCO in January 2021.

                                                           165         DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21

 Training of Health and Safety Representatives  Effect it has on the Department

 The  Health  and  Safety  Representatives  serving  on  the   Sanitisation of the workplace: The offices will continue to
 Occupational Health and Safety Committee must have a   be  sanitised  monthly  or  as  and  when  required.  All
 thorough knowledge and understanding of the legislative   common  areas,  boardrooms,  lifts  and  areas  with  high
 requirements (Occupational Health and Safety Act). They   traffic volume will be sanitised on a more regular basis.
 must also be aware of their duties and responsibilities as   All  protocols  on  the  management  of  Covid-19  in  the
 well  as  to  be  familiar  with  all  administrative   workplace remain in force.
 requirements involved for safety at the workplace. The 21
 newly  appointed  Health  and  Safety  Representatives  of   General Hygiene: The cleaning services will continue to
 the Health and Safety Committee were trained on their   ensure that the workplace is kept clean at all times. All
 responsibilities  following  their  appointment  in  January   officials  in  the  Department  must  always  promote  and
 2021.  maintain good hygiene practices.

 Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment  Provision  of  personal  protective  equipment:  The
 Department  will  continue  to  apply  the  “no  mask  –  no
 The  following  Personal  Protective  Equipment  was   entry”  policy  in  line  with  all  protocols  and  directives
 procured as part of internal interventions in response to   issued to mitigate Covid-19 infections. No staff member
 Covid-19 pandemic:   or  visitor  may  refuse  to  wear  personal  protective
 •   Procurement of Covid-19 freestanding perspex   equipment as such has been declared compulsory by the
 desk  screens  for  protection  of  officials  that   Department of Health.
 need social distancing. These are used by staff   Social  Distancing:  The  maintenance  of  the  1.5-meter
 who  have  direct  contact  with  other  officials   social  distancing  will  continue  to  be  observed  on  all
 and  the  public.  The  Covid-19  desk  screens   floors, reception, lifts and offices.
 prevent  the  spread  of  the  Covid-19  virus  and
 protect  officials  from  direct  contact  with   Officials are regularly reminder of all the Departmental
 others.  protocols  that  were  developed  in  the  past  as  well  as
 •    The  procurement  of  a  total  of  300  one-litre   Circulars 11, 15 and 18 of 2020 that were issued by the
 hand  plastic  sanitiser  spray  bottles  for  each   Department of Public Service and Administration.
 office  in  the  Department  (Human  Sciences
 Research  Council  (HSRC),  Harlequins  Office
 Park and the Gender-Based Violence Command
 Centre (GBVCC) buildings).
 •   The procurement of light commercial disinfec-
 tant  fogger  machine  and  disinfectant  for  the
 decontamination  the  45  GG  vehicles  on  a
 regular basis. At a minimum, it was required to
 clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces
 in the vehicle at the beginning and end of each
 utilisation  of  the  vehicle  and  between  trans-
 porting  passengers.  It  was  also  required  to
 ensure high-touch surfaces such as the steer-
 ing  wheel,  seat  belts,  driving  controls,  gear
 lever,  windows,  keys,  seats  and  door  handles
 are cleaned and disinfected.
 •   The procurement of 30 000 disposable masks
 for all staff and visitors in the HSRC, Harlequins
 and GBVCC offices.
 •    The  procurement  of  the  decontamination  and
 sanitisation services for the HSRC, Harlequins
 and  GBVC  buildings  on  monthly  basis  as  a
 Covid-19 prevention measures. The offices will
 continue  to  be  sanitised  monthly  or  as  and
 when required.
 •   The procurement of 11 000 (initial 5 000 and
 additional 6 000 litres) of 70% alcohol-based
 hand sanitiser.
 •   The procurement of automated hand sanitiser
 •    The  procurement  and  distribution  of  First  Aid
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