Page 169 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 169
• The Department, SASSA and the NDA, briefed the Committee on their Annual
Performance Plans (APPs).
• The Community Development budget had decreased from R97.795 million in the
2015/16 financial year, to R30.031 million in the 2020/21 financial year.
• It was highlighted that the social work scholarship had been reduced to allow the
Department to absorb social work graduates. A total of 4 597 social workers were
employed throughout the Department and moving forward, there was a need for about
71 000 social workers.
• The Committee commended the Department for its improvement in the Department’s
vision and mission statement.
• The committee asserted that gender-based violence (GBV) and child abuse had been
under-emphasised in the Annual Performance Plan (APP).
• Substance abuse campaigns needed to go beyond pamphlet campaigns, and the DSD
should rather be working hand-in-hand with communities.
• The Committees would continuously be updated with the progress tech process, 29 May Covid-19 • The Department briefed the Committee on its food-distribution mechanisms, strategy and
which was largely around organisational restructuring and change management while 2020 NGO food databases, desire to improve monitoring and evaluation and provided a graphic representation
prioritising entity oversight. distribution of food needs.
• The Department would be strong on issues relating to controls, such as risk controls ; SRD R350 • The Committee appreciated the work being done by the organisations; however, they raised
monitoring and evaluation, and creating a framework that manages implementation grant; with question as why only 20% of the Solidarity Fund budget went to food and why they are not
and consequence management. Ministry looking to increase the budget for food.
• The Department must consider hiring marshals to help the elderly and disabled, as • The Committee noted that the Solidarity Fund presentation says that 299 500 households were
well as to ensure people adhered to social distancing. reached
• DSD to prioritise increasing people’s capacity to be self-supporting, access to • Ubuntu Bill to be sent to the Committee by FoodForward SA.
developmental programmes and all structures should be informed on the systems. • Solidarity Fund to consider distributing water, particularly in rural areas.
• The Committee requested the Department to provide feedback in writing regarding • The Committee suggested that the Community Nutrition and Development Centres (CNDCs)
the alleged SASSA officials in KZN that had kept SASSA cards for their own use. support churches, faith-based organisations, CBOs and soup kitchens that currently provide
food. This support needs to be ward-based in terms of a distribution plan so that everyone
receives food.
• The Committee raised concerns about the state of CBOs and the difficulties they are facing, and
it emphasised that, if need be, it should not be difficult for CBOs to write to the Committee, as
they have a strong case.
• DSD would speak to the monitoring and evaluation methods it uses in the distribution of food
through what it calls an ‘augmented CNDC model'. They would discuss what the actual CNDC
model is and then move to the augmented CNDC model which had to be considered with the
advent of Covid-19.
• The Committee requested that the Department use 235 Community Nutrition Development
Centres to engage with CBOs at all levels and provide a report to the committee to the next
• DSD clarified the concerns to say the reports have been accordingly submitted.
Foster Care Progress Report to the Court
• The Committee raised concerns that there was not enough time for a report on the North
Gauteng High Court decision that a progress report be filed every three months to the court
and the applicant.
• DSD clarified the concerns to say the reports have been accordingly submitted
04 June Progress • DSD to ensure that Khuseleka One Stop and White Door Safe Space for Hope buildings were
2020 made in used.
implementi • Partnership with the Department of Public Works for potential new and renovated buildings
ng GBV for use as centres and shelters recommended.
response • Fastrack process of National Council on GBV with a call for nominations. It was important to
action plan mobilise activists.
and SASSA • GBV tracking and monitoring system need to be in place to ensure cases were followed up.
Covid-19 • Publicised the call centre number nationally.
interventio • Disbursement process needed to be streamlined and prioritised across the provinces for the
n; with payment of stipends to shelters.
Minister • Extra funding needed to be made available. There needed to be insourcing of social workers
to combat GBV.
• Status on the filling of 200 CBV posts for social workers to be provided, location per
province, social workers with disability.
• The appointment of the Central Drug Authority goes hand-in-hand with the National CBV
Council. Documentation has been provided to the PC SocDev to move forward.
• Details of YOLO and ZAZI programmes requested.
• Location, eligibility and access to schools of industries need to be clarified.
• Fight against GBV needed to be strengthened in provinces. Partner with the Department of
Justice and SAPS at ministerial level.
• DSD to submit statistical information on all categories requested.