Page 174 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 174
28 October Department of • The Committee was briefed by the Department of Social Development on their
2020 Social second quarter performance for the 2020/21 financial year.
Development • The Department of Social Development reported that it had achieved 81% of its
Quarter 2 2020/21 targets in the second quarter.
performance; with • Information Management Systems and Technology (IMST) was one of the
Minister non-achieved targets, as this needed to move from manual to digital systems, which
had to be synchronised. The digital system kept an accurate record of assessments
that needed to be carried out and the time required to do so. Despite training on the
new system, provinces have failed to use it, as a means of avoiding accountability.
• Another thorn in the Department’s targets was monitoring and evaluation (M&E). It
was awaiting approval from the bid adjudication committee for a digital M&E
system to be built.
• The Minister of Social Development indicated that she had signed the performance
agreement, which outlined the responsibilities of the Department, with the
18 Nov Department of • Concern on DSD vacancies, especially in critical positions such as the
2020 Social Director-General.
Development audit • Concern was also expressed on the regression in supply chain management
outcome and compliance.
performance: FFC • Joint meeting with Select Committee on Health and Social Services.
25 DSD, SASSA and • PC SocDev found that the DSD had overly used Covid-19 as an excuse for targets not
November NDA 2019/20 being met. However, it commended it for having ‘green shoots’ in most of its
2020 Annual Reports; programme areas.
with Minister • The moratorium on recruitment had ended, so the PC SocDev was worried that the
Department and its entities were not hiring people with disabilities, as they were
well below the government’s 6% target.
• DSD listed the challenges it had to deal with in its programmes, and commented
that overall, its actual expenditure had been skewed to 108% because of Covid-19. It
had been able to achieve an 80% success rate with its performance during the year.
2 December DSD, SASSA and • The Committee adopted its Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report (BRRR)
2020 NDA Budgetary for the Department of Social Development (DSD) for the 2019/20 financial year as
Review and well as the Committee report on the first and second quarterly reports of the DSD for
Recommendations the current financial year.
Report; Committee • Expressed sentiments that the BRRR had not fully captured the challenges
Report on Quarterly experienced during the year, for example, the impact of Covid-19 on Early Child
Performance Development (ECD), payments of NGOs, access of the homeless to social services, the
challenge of gender-based violence and the sanitary dignity programme.
Lapsed temporary • The Minister agreed to submit a comprehensive plan of action to the Committee
20 Jan 2021
disability grants, within two weeks.
overcrowding at
SASSA offices: with
(National Acting DG
and Minister
present too)