Page 175 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 175


       03 March    Implications of    •  DSD addressed the Committee on the Children’s Amendment Bill’s pre-introduction
       2021        Children’s          consultation process with stakeholders.
                   Amendment Bill:    •  The Committee called for a partnership between the DHA and the South African Social
                   DHA briefing;        Security Agency (SASSA) for registering a child’s birth and applying for a grant .
                   Pre-introduction   •  SALGA said it had not been involved in the consultation process, whereas the DSD
                   consultation        stated that it was. The Committee requested that a legal opinion be provided on this
                   process with        matter, and the DSD should respond in a subsequent meeting.
                   stakeholders: DSD   •  The Minister directed DSD to clarify the matter formally (DSD and SALGA) and report
                   briefing; with       back to the Committee.
                   Minister and
                   Deputy Minister

       05 March    Children’s         •  DSD and South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) presented an update on the
       2021        Amendment Bill:     management of the Temporary Disability Grant. A 10-point plan was presented to
                   Pre-introduction    improve different processes relating to the grant.
                   consultation       •  DSD complied with the legislative process in terms of how the legislation had to be
                   process; Temporary   processed and brought before Parliament.
                   Disability Grant   •  A legal technical team was proposed that would consist of Parliamentary legal advisers
                   re-applications and   and SALGA, which would look at the contested clauses of the Bill and present ways
                   overcrowding at     forward.
                   SASSA; with        •  The Committee to submit an amended programme on public hearings which would be
                   Ministers           approved by Parliament within the deadline of the processing of the bill.

       17 March    AGSA on Special   DSD took the Committee through the Department’s financial and non-financial
       2021        Covid-19 Audit    performance for the third quarter. It was highlighted that only 76% of the R230.8 million
                   Reports; DSD      adjusted budget had been spent, while there had also been a 14% performance drop
                   2020/21 Quarter 3   during the period.
                   performance;      DSD officials took the Committee through the presentation on the ECD clauses. The
                   Children’s        presentation laid out the salient questions asked by the Committee and the Department’s
                   Amendment Bill:   responses thereto:
                   discussion on          •  DSD clarified that the clauses which were contested by the South African Local
                   contested ECD            Government Association (SALGA) did not form part of the Bill and were published
                   clauses                  for public comment as 103A to 103M.
                                          •  DSD remains the custodian of the Children’s Act, and it was not in a position to
                                            neglect its duty in terms of amending the Act.
                                          •  Committee recommended to allow the DSD to finalise the matter with the legal
                                            task team consisting of individuals from the DSD, the DBE and Parliament.

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