Page 176 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
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             8: SCOPA RESOLUTIONS

             The Department did not appear before SCOPA          • design and facilitate the implementation of internal
             during the reporting period.
                                                                   controls   for   managing,   safeguarding   and
                                                                 • maintaining all departmental assets, as well as the
             9: PRIOR MODIFICATION TO                              maintenance of its liabilities; and
                                                                   effectively  manage  a  departmental  loss  assets
             AUDIT REPORTS                                         register.

             The Department obtained an unqualified audit       During the period under review, the Directorate Internal
             outcome without findings.
                                                               Control  effectively  coordinated  external  audits  and
                                                               identified critical areas, such as financial misconduct. The
             10: INTERNAL CONTROL UNIT                         Directorate  also  developed  an  audit  findings  audit
                                                               implementation action plan, conducted assessments
                                                               based on the action plans and monitored the
            The  Directorate  Internal  Control  is  entrusted  to  ensure   implementation based on the recommendations made by
            that effective, efficient and transparent internal control   managers.
            systems are maintained within the Department in    Compliance with financial prescripts for payment batches
            conformity with the requirements of the Public Finance   was monitored, and the financial documents were safely
            Management  Act  (PFMA)  and  Treasury  Regulations.  Its   kept in lockable areas. Findings of non-compliance were
            focus areas are to:                                reported to the relevant managers for corrective action.
               •  ensure  proper  and  effective  management  of   All  reported  cases  of  financial  misconduct  were
                 financial records;                             investigated and dealt with in terms of the Department’s
               •  coordinate  effective  responses  to  external  audit   Financial Misconduct Policy.
                 (AGSA)  queries,  including  the  monitoring  of  the   During the year under review, the following policies and
                 management of the audit action plan;          a procedure were reviewed and approved:
               •  facilitate  the  reviews  and  development  of    •  Financial Misconduct Policy
                 departmental financial policies and guidelines;     •  Gift Management Policy
               •  monitor  the  implementation  of  and  compliance   •  Petty Cash Policy
                 with  financial  legislative  requirements  such  as   •  Subsistence & Travelling Policy
                 PFMA, Treasury Regulations and related prescripts;  •  Debt Management Policy
               •  monitor systems, transactions and staff to identify   •  Sponsorship, Gift and Donations (DSD)
                 financial  misconduct  and  non-compliance  with        granting and acceptance (Procedure
                 relevant prescripts and processes;
               •  facilitate  the  implementation  of  appropriate
                 systems and processes to ensure effective, efficient,
                 economical  and  transparent  use  of  departmental

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