Page 172 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 172


       02          DSD, NDA and     The recommendations from the Committee regarding the BRRR includes:
       September   SASSA on progress   •    The Minister must ensure the DSD reports on its mandate and its role in the fight against
       2020        with 2018/19 audit   GBV;
                   findings; Covid-19   •    The  Minister  must  ensure  DSD  commissions  an  investigation  into  the  state  of
                   Update; with        psychosocial services at the Thuthuzela Care Centres (TCCs);
                   Ministry         •   The Minister must ensure DSD employs people with disabilities exceeding the 2% (two
                                       percent) government target;
                                    •   The Minister must ensure the portfolio of the DSD aligns it targets to its mandate in its
                                       reimagination of social transformation; and
                                    •   The Minister must ensure DSD moves toward an evidence-based outcomes approach to
                                       deliver on its mandate, and to strengthen its monitoring and evaluation measures.
                                    •    The  Committee  agreed  with  legal  advice  to  implement  the  second  option  of  DSD
                                       approaching the North Gauteng High Court to request an extension on the current court
                                       deadline of 26 November 2020, to submit a comprehensive legal solution for foster care
       15           Social Assistance   •  The public had until 18 September 2020 to submit written comments.
       September    Amendment Bill:   •  The Committee to consider the public comments when drafting its negotiating mandate
       2020         Children's          on the Amendment Bill.
                    Commissioner     PC requested future clarity on -
                    submission        •  when would the regulations be available as these often delayed the implementation of
                                        a new Act;
                                      •  whether the right afforded to the Minister in the payment of the additional amount
                                        might lead to discriminatory practices;
                                      •  the composition of the Tribunal;
                                      •  the appointment of tribunal members by the Minister;
                                      •  the newly proposed role of Parliament in this process;
                                      •  if people would be able to approach the Tribunal directly and without legal
                                      •  if the decision of the Tribunal would be final;
                                      •  the powers of the Inspectorate for Social Assistance;
                                      •  how its independence would be ensured;
                                      •  and if people could lodge complaints directly to it.

       06 October   Children’s       •   The Department’s specialist in legislative drafting and review presented Children’s
       2020         Amendment Bill:     Amendment Bill to the Committee for consideration. The Amendment Bill was trying
                    DSD briefing
                                        to relieve the High Court by referring cases related to children to the Children’s Court.
                                        However, the High Court would maintain its jurisdiction to deal with any issue.
                                     •   Members raised their concern over the Department’s capacity to take over the adop-
                                        tion processes from private agencies, as this had the potential to create a backlog in
                                        child adoptions, resulting in children languishing in foster care homes and orphanag-
                                        es. The Committee requested the Department to brief them at a later stage on the
                                        intended amendments to the adoption processes.
                                     •   The Children’s Court would now deal with cases involving the guardianship of children
                                        as a means of alleviating the burden of the High Court. However, the High Court
                                        would maintain its jurisdiction to deal with all legal matters.
                                     •   The Bill was commended by the Committee for making provisions for children with
                                        disabilities, such as including a sign language interpreter for children in court. It also
                                        commended the Department for updating the Child Protection Register, and the
                                        overall rigor which it had shown in dealing with the amendments to the Bill.
                                     •   The Department aimed to have children adopted nationally rather than international-
                                        ly. Should there be no persons willing to adopt a child nationally, then the child may
                                        be adopted internationally.
                                     •   The committed recommend that Government need to ensure that the interests of the
                                        children at all material times were taken care of. It was thus the government’s
                                        responsibility to see the realisation of this intention.  Child adoptions that had gone
                                        through private agencies were due to the government’s lack of capacity to deal with
                                        the adoption process.

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