Page 168 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
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Performance Plans (APPs).
• The Community Development budget had decreased from R97.795 million in the
2015/16 financial year, to R30.031 million in the 2020/21 financial year.
• It was highlighted that the social work scholarship had been reduced to allow the
Department to absorb social work graduates. A total of 4 597 social workers were
employed throughout the Department and moving forward, there was a need for about
71 000 social workers.
• The Committee commended the Department for its improvement in the Department’s
vision and mission statement.
• The committee asserted that gender-based violence (GBV) and child abuse had been
under-emphasised in the Annual Performance Plan (APP).
• Substance abuse campaigns needed to go beyond pamphlet campaigns, and the DSD
should rather be working hand-in-hand with communities.
PART C: GOVERNANCE • The Department, SASSA and the NDA, briefed the Committee on their Annual
08 May DSD and • The Committees would continuously be updated with the progress tech process,
2020 SASSA which was largely around organisational restructuring and change management while
2020/21 prioritising entity oversight.
Annual • The Department would be strong on issues relating to controls, such as risk controls
Performance monitoring and evaluation, and creating a framework that manages implementation
Plans and consequence management.
• The Department must consider hiring marshals to help the elderly and disabled, as
well as to ensure people adhered to social distancing.
• DSD to prioritise increasing people’s capacity to be self-supporting, access to
developmental programmes and all structures should be informed on the systems.
• The Committee requested the Department to provide feedback in writing regarding
the alleged SASSA officials in KZN that had kept SASSA cards for their own use.
13 May DSD, NDA & • The distribution of food during Covid-19 is critical, it needed to be coordinated in such
2020 SASSA on action a way to ensure it was distributed fairly.
plan progress to • Co-ordination with communities must improve.
respond to AG • DSD to issue guidelines /regulations on the distribution of food.
audit findings; • Risk adjustment approach: collaboration between stakeholders to adhere to all
with Deputy protocols that were expected.
Minister • Regular reports of the Department’s Covid-19 developments at each Portfolio
Committee meeting.
• DSD to provide an updated report using the suggested metrics with concrete
21 May DSD report on • Concrete plans that includes timeframes and budgets need to be presented to the
2020 Covid-19 responses Committee.
and progress report • A new radical rethink of food distribution in South Africa. This requires collaboration
to address backlog from society has a whole.
in the Foster Care • Food parcel distribution does require greater coordination.
System and means • Recommendations of the APP Report that was brought forward for adoption.
to meet North
Gauteng High Court
deadline with