Page 198 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 198



          Table 3.4.1 Job Evaluation by Salary band for the period - 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

                                                     Number of posts       Number         % of posts        Posts Upgraded          Posts downgraded
                                                      on approved          of Jobs       evaluated by                                       % of posts
            Salary band                              establishment        Evaluated      salary bands  Number      % of posts   % of posts  evaluated
            Lower Skilled (Levels1-2)                      2                  0              0            0            0            0           0
            Skilled (Levels 3-5)                          154                 0              0            0            0            0           0
            Highly skilled production (Levels 6-8)        335                 0              0            0            0            0           0
            Highly skilled supervision (Levels 9-12)      380                120            32%          106         88.3%          0          0%
            Senior Management Service Band A              93                  0              0            0            0            0           0
            Senior Management Service Band B              38                  0              0            0            0            0           0
            Senior Management Service Band C               7                  0              0            0            0            0           0
            Senior Management Service Band D               4                  0              0            0            0            0           0
            Total                                        1013                120            32%          106         88.3%          0          0%

            The following table provides a summary of the number of employees whose positions were upgraded due to their post being upgraded. The number of employees might
            differ from the number of posts upgraded since not all employees are automatically absorbed into the new posts and some of the posts upgraded could also be vacant.

           Table 3.4.2 Profile of employees whose positions were upgraded due to their posts being upgraded for the period - 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

            Salary band                    African                  Asian                Coloured                  White                 Total
            Female                           52                       2                      3                      3                      60
            Male                             28                       1                      1                      3                      31
            Total                            80                       3                      4                      6                      91

            Employees with a disability                                                                                                                                                                                                      1

           Although a total of 106 posts were upgraded,  some of these posts were vacant without employees.

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