Page 197 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 197



            Table 3.3.5 Disciplinary steps taken for not complying with the prescribed timeframes for filling SMS posts within 12 months for the period from 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

             Reasons for vacancies not advertised within six months

             Disciplinary steps could not be taken in view of the directive from the former Minister of Social Development to suspend all processes pertaining to the filling of funded vacant posts and the
             reduction of the compensation budget by the National Treasury.

             Reasons for vacancies not advertised within six months

             Disciplinary steps could not be taken in view of the directive from the former Minister of Social Development to suspend all processes pertaining to the filling of funded vacant posts
             and the reduction of the compensation budget by the National Treasury.


            •  In terms of the Public Service Regulations Chapter 1, Part VII C.1A.2, departments must indicate good cause or reason for not having complied with the filling of SMS posts within
            the prescribed timeframes. In the event of non-compliance with this regulation, the relevant executive authority or Head of Department must take appropriate disciplinary steps in
            terms of section 16A (1) or (2) of the Public Service Act.

            3.4: Job Evaluation

            Within a nationally determined framework, executing authorities may evaluate or re-evaluate any job in his or her organisation. In terms of the regulations, all vacancies on salary levels
            9 and higher must be evaluated before they are filled. The following table summarises the number of jobs that were evaluated during the year under review. The table also provides
            statistics on the number of posts that were upgraded or downgraded.

                                                                                   197                            DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21
   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202