Page 38 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 38


             Programme 1: Administration                       Information Management Systems and Technology

             Programme Purpose                                 As part of implementing Sector Information and
                                                               Communication  Technology  (ICT)  Strategy,  the
             To provide leadership, management and support services   Department has implemented modules on Social
             to the Department and the Social Sector.          Development Integrated Case Management System
                                                               (SDICMS) which will enable the tracking of social cases
                                                               from capturing to provision of services to the
             Strategy Management and Transformation            beneficiaries across the social sector. The modules cover
                                                               Accreditation of Diversion Services and Older Persons
             The Department, through this unit, developed an   Abuse Register.
             Implementation Plan on the DSD Sector Strategic Plan
             which was approved. The plan coordinates and outlines   Furthermore, the Department upgraded the network
             the process timelines for the review and alignment of all   infrastructure  to  support  business  operations.  The
             DSD Sector Annual Performance Plans (APPs).       upgrades include Local Area Network (LAN) cabling, data
             This is to ensure that the DSD sector align to the vision,   centre facility, server upgrade and data line link speed. A
             mission, impact and outcomes to achieve the DSD sector   disaster recovery facility was also established as part of
             mandate. In the process of finalising the implementation   the Information Technology (IT) Disaster Recovery Plan
             plan, the APPs of DSD  Sector were reviewed for   for business continuity.
             alignment and tabled in Parliament.

             The DSD APP 2021/2022 was also approved and tabled
             in  Parliament  in  March  2021.This  APP  was  part  of
             alignment with the APPs of provinces, South African
             Social  Security  Agency  (SASSA)  and  National
             Development  Agency  (NDA).  This  transformational  APP
             will assist the Department to progressively achieve the
             five-year impact of an “improved quality of life for the
             poor and vulnerable”. This APP also includes ministerial
             public participation as targeted by the programmes.

                                                           38          DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21
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