Page 42 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
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                                                                                                             PERFORMANCE BY PROGRAMME

          Information Management and System Technology (Originally tabled APP)
           Outcome  Functional, efficient and integrated sector

           Outputs  Output   Actual Achievement Actual Achievement  Annual target           Actual Outputs              Reasons for deviation  Reasons for revision of
                   indicator  2018/2019      2019/2020        2020/21                       2020/2021                   from 2020/21 target  the Annual Target
          Integrated  Monthly   Overall NISIS   Two systems   Integrated   As part of implementation of the Integrated Sector   No formal   Target has been
          Sector IT  transfers of development   Accreditation of   Sector IT   IT Strategy, the following initiatives were   consultations were   revised due to
          Strategy  funds to   governance    Diversion Services   strategy   implemented.                               held  with provinces  Budget
                   SASSA     framework was   (ADS) and Child   implemented  Infrastructure:                             and there was no   Re-adjustments.
                             not achieved    Youth Care                       -  Network cabling for national office is 90%   rolling out of   Adequate
                                             Application (CYCA)               complete, including the acquiring and     systems   due      resourcing towards
                                             have been                        configuration of the new server.           nationwide         the implementation
                                             integrated into                  -  Server room has been expanded and upgraded.  lockdown     of the Integrated
                                             the Case                         -  Disaster Recovery Plan offsite was tested and             Sector IT Strategy
                                             Management                          implemented                                               requires
                                             System for the                   -  MIMECAST and  McAfee Antivirus were                       prioritization
                                             Department.                      implemented
                                             SmartGov has                     -  Video conferencing solution implemented in two
                                             been upgraded                       boardrooms
                                             and implemented,
                                             Invoice and the               Systems:
                                             e-leave modules                  -  10 out of 12 silo systems integrated and
                                             were developed                   deployed
                                                                              -  External integration with SAPS is operational

                                                                           Tools of trade:
                                                                              -  1000 tablets procured for provincial social
                                                                              -  100 laptops under procurement for national

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