Page 43 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 43



           Information Management Systems and Technology (Re-tabled APP)

            Outcome   Functional, efficient and integrated sector
            Outputs   Output       Actual Achievement Actual Achievement  Annual target   Actual Outputs 2020/2021        Reasons for Deviation from
                      indicator    2018/2019       2019/2020           2020/21                                            2020/21 target

            Integrated  Integrated   Overall NISIS   Two systems       Implement          As part of implementing Sector ICT   Analysis of the requirements for the
            Sector IT   Sector IT   development     Accreditation of   elements of sector   Strategy, the Department developed   integration of GBV and VEP systems was
            Strategy  Strategy     governance       Diversion Services   ICT strategic    two modules on Social           not achieved due to complexity of the
                      implemented  framework was    (ADS) and Child    implementation     Development Integrated Case     processes which requires due diligence,
                                   not achieved     Youth Care         plan               Management System, namely the   proper mapping and clear definition of
                                                    Application (CYCA)                    Older Persons Abuse Register    functional requirements specification.
                                                    have been integrated                  module and the Accreditation of   Development of the substance abuse
                                                    into the Case                         Diversion Services and Quality   system was not achieved. The tender was
                                                    Management System                     Assurance module.               cancelled as result of major variance in the
                                                    for the Department.                   A service provider was also     bid price between different service
                                                    SmartGov has been                     appointed to assist with the    providers that required a review of the
                                                    upgraded and                          integration of Gender Based     terms of reference and the job
                                                    implemented, Invoice                  Violence (GBV) and Victims      specification. This subsequently negatively
                                                    and the e-leave                       Empowerment (VEP) systems, which   impacted implementation time frames.
                                                    modules were                          is also part of the implementation
                                                    developed                             of the sector ICT Strategy.

            Please provide strategies to overcome underperformance below

             •  Expedite the redefinition of the Functional Requirements Specification for GBV and VEP integration with a view to complete by end of the first quarter of the 2021/22 financial
             •  Re-advertise the tender for development of substance abuse system.

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