Page 47 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 47
Monitoring and Evaluation (Re-tabled APP)
Outcome Functional, efficient and integrated sector
Outputs Output Actual Achievement Actual Achievement Annual target Actual Outputs 2020/2021 Reasons for Deviation from 2020/21 target
indicator 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/21
Rapid Rapid N/A N/A Conduct three Rapid The three rapid assessment The sector had to respond quickly to collect evidence
assessment assessment assessment studies on studies were not within a short time and during the lockdown period.
studies of studies of the (i) The completed. In addition, the Department had to, for the first time,
the socio socio implementation and The following progress has obtain approval from the Information Regulator SA to
economic economic utilisation of the R350 been recorded: utilise the personal information of R350 Covid-19 SRD
impacts of impacts of Covid-19 SRD Grant. (i) Fieldwork report was applicants, in line with Protection of Personal
COVID-19 COVID-19 on (ii) Key monitoring completed and Information Act, 4 of 2013 (POPIA).
on the the Social indicators measuring preliminary findings The context was very different to conduct field work
Social Sector the impact of were presented and collect data during hard lockdown. There were
Sector conducted Covid-19 lockdown on other challenges, as staff were on working on
child well-being in ii) Fieldwork report was rotational basis, which resulted in;
South Africa. completed and i) Delays in supply chain and contracting processes
(iii) The effectiveness preliminary findings ii) Approval delays from the National Treasury
and impact of the were presented iii) It was realised that there is considerable evidence
Social Sector’s related to Food Relief Mechanisms collected from
response to Food iii) Inception report and various studies. The study method had to change.
Relief Mechanisms literature review were Rapid assessment of Social Sector’s response to
during Covid-19 completed Food Relief Mechanisms using a synthesis
evaluation method is currently underway. The study
will be completed in April 2021.
Electroni Electronic N/A N/A Inception report and The inception report No deviation
c M&E M&E Project Plan on and project plan for
System System for Electronic M&E the Electronic M&E
for the Social System produced System was
Social Sector produced
Sector developed
Please provide strategies to overcome underperformance below
i) Agreement reached with service provider to finalise the project as soon as possible to prevent further delays without compromising the quality. The report will be submitted by
end of April 2021.
ii) Fieldwork capacity has been increased to shorten the data collection time. The report will be finalised in April 2021.
iii) Agreements have been made with service provider to finish the project within two months without compromising quality. The report will be finalised in April 2021.